
Society & Culture > Youth

Socialise, not criminalise youth

12 Jun 2008

Carey Davies examines state proscription and media demonising

Culture fit for a ruling class

05 Nov 2009

Mark Fischer describes the experience of addressing the students of Britain’s most renowned public school

Socialise, not criminalise youth

12 Jun 2008

Carey Davies examines state proscription and media demonising

Youth prison system in Britain is a crime

24 Apr 2008

Jim Moody castigates locking away children and young people

The campus and the state

24 Apr 2008

James Turley argues that students have an antagonistic relationship with college authorities

Making propaganda for Marxism in elections

28 Feb 2008

A revolutionary platform was too much for some 'revolutionary' students. Mohsen Sabbagh reports

Consolidating gains

21 Feb 2008

The second annual conference of Communist Students took place in Manchester on February 16. John Jo Sidwell reports

Student unions must be won to communism

14 Feb 2008

Ted North tells of spreading the message in Sheffield

Driven by ideas

14 Feb 2008

How should communists approach campus work? In the first place by understanding the contradictory class position of students, argues Mike Macnair

For a fighting, democratic NUS

31 Jan 2008

Communist Students member Chris Strafford is standing for the NUS executive 'block of 12'. This is his election manifesto

Fudge in the coffee shop

31 Jan 2008

Ken Crisp looks at the failure of the left to agree a united slate for elections to the NUS executive

Reject compulsory education to 18

24 Jan 2008

Jim Moody argues for full adult rights at 16, including the right to leave full-time education

Demands to win youth

24 Jan 2008

Discussing an essential component of our programme, CPGB comrades recently teased out some of the questions around the approach to youth. Jim Moody reports

Incitement to fudge

20 Dec 2007

Discussions aimed at a united left slate for the National Union of Students executive are already degenerating into curious squabbles. James Turley looks at the issues

Bleak white paper

01 Nov 2007

The White paper on NUS governance in brief

Fight for NUS democracy

01 Nov 2007

If the left wants to defeat the NUS bureaucracy in its attempt to abolish the last vestiges of democracy in the student union, our campaign against the attacks must say more than just 'no'. Communist Students member Tina Becker reports

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