
Society & Culture > Youth

Socialise, not criminalise youth

12 Jun 2008

Carey Davies examines state proscription and media demonising

Where is the love?

22 Oct 2015

The liberal stance on free speech, immigration and internationalism is confusing everyone, says Commissaress

Kids and the alternative

01 Oct 2015

The perceptions most young people have of socialism are not like they were during the cold war days, says Commissaress: they’re worse

Gone too tsar

25 Jun 2015

How should ‘disruptive behaviour’ in schools be tackled? Mickey Coulter comments on the tendency to look to newly empowered bureaucrats for a solution

An education fit for human beings?

26 Feb 2015

Micky Coulter analyses the strengths and weaknesses of the LU policy

Social mobility, my arse

18 Dec 2014

Recent propaganda in favour of grammar schools is nonsense, says Micky Coulter

Playing on the fields of Eton

11 Dec 2014

The shadow education secretary has been accused of fighting the class war. Not true, says Micky Coulter, but Labour does have a class-based strategy

Child abuse: Adding insult to injury

30 Oct 2014

Theresa May’s decision to make Lady Woolf the new head of the child abuse inquiry could turn out to be deeply embarrassing, writes Eddie Ford

Oasis between bible groups

09 Oct 2014

Communists on campus are still swimming against the tide, reports Ben Lewis

Rotherham: A systemic failure

04 Sep 2014

The Rotherham sexual abuse scandal reveals profound weaknesses in bourgeois society’s treatment of vulnerable people, writes Paul Demarty

Gove, but not forgotten

04 Sep 2014

Though demoted within the cabinet, Michael Gove’s programme for education continues. Mikey Coulter assesses the ‘revolution’ in education

NUS: Left in the basement

17 Apr 2014

Communist Students were stirring things up at this year's conference of the National Union of Students

For working class education

10 Apr 2014

Freedom is just another word for increased statisation, writes Christina Black

Fighting for Marxism

04 Apr 2014

Communist Students member Robert Hayes outlines the platform he is standing on for the National Union of Students ‘block of 15’

Harriet Harman: More manufactured hysteria

06 Mar 2014

As the Daily Mail smears Labour MPs for links to paedophiles - Paul Demarty wonders whether it doth protest too much

Debate: Don’t abolish: reform

20 Feb 2014

The CPGB’s position on age-of-consent laws is self-contradictory, writes Ian Donovan

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