
Society & Culture > Youth

Socialise, not criminalise youth

12 Jun 2008

Carey Davies examines state proscription and media demonising

Who pays for education?

17 Jun 2011

Michael Copestake discusses AC Grayling's New College of the Humanities

Getting things into perspective

14 Apr 2011

The defeat of Clare Solomon offers us a snapshot of the student movement, argues Ben Lewis

Making plans

07 Apr 2011

Communist Students convened in Manchester for its annual conference on April 2. Greg Compton reports

Build student assemblies

10 Mar 2011

Both before and after March 26, the London Student Assembly can serve as a broad model for organising on campus, writes Ben Lewis

Death to the Islamic Republic

17 Feb 2011

Report posted by the leftwing Bazr student group

Mobilise the majority

10 Feb 2011

Ben Lewis reports on the lack of ambition witnessed at the seventh London Student Assembly

Keeping up the pressure

03 Feb 2011

Ben Lewis reports on a promising weekend of student action and plans for the battles ahead

Students debate the Labour Party question

13 Jan 2011

We give three Communist Student positions

No support for Labour, no support for LRC

13 Jan 2011

Four comrades argue against the CS EC decision

Wider and deeper

13 Jan 2011

On Sunday January 12 around 150 student activists attended the fifth London Student Assembly at the University of London Union. Ben Lewis reports

Against the politics of purity

13 Jan 2011

There is certainly no way around Labourism, argues James Turley

Getting our priorities right

13 Jan 2011

Seven CS comrades respond to James Turley and Manchester comrades

Don't give in to the slurs

06 Jan 2011

Eddie Ford defends Clare Solomon against the rightwing press and its AWL outriders

Eggs vs truncheons

16 Dec 2010

The student movement in Turkey is militant, but mass involvement is hampered by a divided left, says Esen Uslu

Eyewitness in Whitehall

16 Dec 2010

Who caused the violence on the December 9 stop fees and cuts demonstration? Organised thugs and street gangs - as alleged by home secretary Theresa May? This first-hand account, written by a Labour Representation Committee activist, clearly shows that it was the baton-swinging riot police. They were well-organised and bent on confrontation

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