
Society & Culture

Günter Grass and the German neurosis

19 Apr 2012

Maciej Zurowski looks at a literary scandal and the bourgeoisie's attempt to cope with its past

Joan Littlewood unveiled?

22 Oct 2015

Simon Turley explains why we should honour a brilliant theatre-maker

Where is the love?

22 Oct 2015

The liberal stance on free speech, immigration and internationalism is confusing everyone, says Commissaress

Through the looking glass

22 Oct 2015

Jim Grant of Labour Party Marxists wonders if the bourgeois press thinks their readers are sheep

Artists and bureaucrats

01 Oct 2015

Censorship in the name of public order must be opposed, argues Harley Filben

Kids and the alternative

01 Oct 2015

The perceptions most young people have of socialism are not like they were during the cold war days, says Commissaress: they’re worse

Two culpable rivals

01 Oct 2015

What lies behind the Mecca tragedy? Yassamine Mather looks at the facts

No to ‘Marxist art’

17 Sep 2015

We need a Marxist theory of art, argues Rex Dunn

Surviving the press onslaught

17 Sep 2015

The new Labour leader is in for a rough ride, but he must learn to fight, says Daniel Harvey

Meet the new boss ...

10 Sep 2015

Rebekah Brooks has returned to the helm. William Kane welcomes her back

Dylan and the dead

13 Aug 2015

Bob Dylan’s electric set at the Newport Folk Festival 50 years ago continues to bring out the worst Stalinist inclinations of today’s left, writes Howard Phillips

The bitter taste of capitalism

13 Aug 2015

James Linney reviews Robert Lustig's 'Fat chance: the hidden truth about sugar, obesity and disease,' Forthestate, 2013, pp320, £8.99

Solidarity, not sectionalism

06 Aug 2015

Paul Demarty looks at the chauvinist backlash against the Calais migrants

The red and the green

30 Jul 2015

Ken Loach (director) Jimmy’s hall 2014.

Incorporation and commercialisation

02 Jul 2015

The annual Pride march was symptomatic of a divided LGBT movement, reports Daniel Harvey

Their culture and ours

25 Jun 2015

Exhibition What is luxury? Victoria and Albert Museum, until September 27 2015

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