
Society & Culture

Günter Grass and the German neurosis

19 Apr 2012

Maciej Zurowski looks at a literary scandal and the bourgeoisie's attempt to cope with its past

Funny is not the opposite of serious

19 Mar 2015

Terry Pratchett’s work and life was powered by a kindly moral anger, writes Eddie Ford

Natalie Bennett’s motley crew

12 Mar 2015

While the Green Party as a whole is not supportable, argues Robert Hayes, a small number of its candidates may be

Against feminism, for the working class

05 Mar 2015

Geraldine Duffy writes for International Women's Day in March 1985

An education fit for human beings?

26 Feb 2015

Micky Coulter analyses the strengths and weaknesses of the LU policy

Wrong kind of radicalisation

26 Feb 2015

How to explain the ‘teenage brides for IS’? Mike Macnair examines the phenomenon of hope in a disastrous illusion against the background of the left’s failure

Advertising and the decline of journalism

26 Feb 2015

The Telegraph’s HSBC scandal is an acute case of a malady suffered by all capitalist media, argues William Kane

As effective as a marzipan dildo

19 Feb 2015

Chris Atkins (director) Ukip: the first 100 days Channel 4, February 16

The new normal

19 Feb 2015

As Denmark becomes the latest staging ground for Islamist atrocities, Paul Demarty asks how the left can confront the growth of religious reaction

Thoughts on Karl Marx and art

12 Feb 2015

A communist revolution in art will break down the barriers between ordinary people and artists as specialist labourers under capitalism, says Rex Dunn

Machiavellian manoeuvres in the dark

12 Feb 2015

Peter Kosminsky (director) Wolf Hall BBC2, Wednesdays 9pm

What can chimpanzees teach us about human nature?

05 Feb 2015

Chris Knight of the Radical Anthropology Group explores the relationship between sex, language and culture

Green-tinted glasses

29 Jan 2015

Despite the membership figures and the hype, notes Micky Coulter, the Green Party's increased popularity is not a sign of good times to come for socialists

Business as usual

22 Jan 2015

Catastrophic climate change is very unlikely to be averted under capitalist conditions, says Simon Wells

Technology and terror

22 Jan 2015

State antsiness about the ‘dark web’ reveals profound contradictions, argues Paul Demarty

Nationalism and role of Pegida

22 Jan 2015

Tina Becker examines the impact of Germany’s new rightwing force

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