
Society & Culture

Günter Grass and the German neurosis

19 Apr 2012

Maciej Zurowski looks at a literary scandal and the bourgeoisie's attempt to cope with its past

Screaming blue murder

29 Feb 2024

Lee Anderson, Liz Truss and Suella Braverman are trying to further their despicable careers in the only way they know how, writes Paul Demarty: by hate-mongering against Muslims

Climate socialism and climate breakdown

15 Feb 2024

Despite global warming, the slowing down of the Amoc system would paradoxically see Britain much colder and wetter. But any solution to the climate crisis, writes Eddie Ford, must lie outside of capitalism

Where next for Germany?

15 Feb 2024

Thomas Klikauer paints a picture of ‘democracy’ being saved from neo-Nazism because of AfD’s lack of business, army, bureaucratic and judicial support and the absence of non-state fighting formations. The working class is only seen as an electoral group

Unqualified free speech

15 Feb 2024

David Miller’s tribunal case is a personal victory that ought to be celebrated. But, argues Mike Macnair, what is needed is a political victory to advance our rights

A culture of apology

08 Feb 2024

David Miller is worth more than the whole pack of the Socialist Campaign Group of MPs put together. Apologising makes you complicit, but taking a stand brings vindication, writes Eddie Ford

Clear the smoke and mirrors

01 Feb 2024

Zionism relies on anti-Semitism and is itself a form of anti-Semitism. Thomas Suárez discusses the ability of the Israeli state to excuse its crimes and silence critics

Coming apart at the seams

01 Feb 2024

Despite last week’s E Jean Carroll defamation verdict, Trump’s popularity continues to surge. Daniel Lazare explains why events keep boomeranging in his favour

Full-spectrum complicity

01 Feb 2024

By ‘suspending’ funding, the west’s diversionary campaign against UNRWA gives the lie to bourgeois cant about ‘genocide prevention’, argues Paul Demarty

Cruel and inefficient

25 Jan 2024

Equality means good health outcomes, inequality bad health outcomes. Ian Spencer savages Labour’s Singapore plans

All together against far right

25 Jan 2024

A secret meeting of a dozen abhorrent rightwingers has finally given the establishment a rod with which to beat the AfD, writes Carla Roberts

First, they came for …

25 Jan 2024

The ban on Hizb ut-Tahrir demonstrates that our rulers have no effective way to control the Gaza narrative other than by legally silencing critics, argues Paul Demarty

Grim fate awaits him

18 Jan 2024

Julian Assange’s imminent extradition draws a line under the idea of the internet as an untameable new frontier, argues Paul Demarty

Preparing for disillusionment

11 Jan 2024

Losing ground badly in the polls, facing more by-election defeats, and with Reform UK breathing down his neck, it is not surprising that Rishi Sunak wants to go for a late election, writes Eddie Ford

How crybullying works

11 Jan 2024

Politics should have no ‘safe spaces’. Sob stories about ‘anti-Semitism’ on campus strike at a weak point in contemporary left politics, argues Paul Demarty

Record-breaking in the wrong way

04 Jan 2024

Storms, floods, drought and fire on an almost biblical scale presage social breakdown. It is socialism or barbarism, says Eddie Ford

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