
CPGB News > Reports

Sir Keir’s good week

06 Oct 2022

The left is disorientated, in denial and still suffering from an orchestrated campaign of suspensions and expulsions. Kevin Bean calls for reviving Labour Against the Witchhunt and some serious rethinking

Confusion reigns on the left

29 Sep 2022

Gaby Rubin reports the highs and lows of those who placed themselves within the fringe in Liverpool

Political wing of capitalist class

29 Sep 2022

While the right is relishing the prospect of government, the left is marginalised and thoroughly demoralised. Kevin Bean, expelled secretary of Wavertree CLP, reports on the Liverpool conference

For a disciplined revolutionary party

22 Sep 2022

Marxist Unity Group founding congress report and perspectives

Back on the horse!

01 Sep 2022

Linda Carr reports on the 2022 CPGB Summer Offensive

New times, new challenges

01 Sep 2022

The first post-lockdown CU saw an in-depth exploration of war and peace. Danny Hammill reports

Vim and vigour

11 Aug 2022

Linda Carr reports on the 2022 CPGB Summer Offensive

Almost halfway

04 Aug 2022

Linda Carr reports on the 2022 CPGB Summer Offensive

Ticking Over

28 Jul 2022

Linda Carr reports on the 2022 CPGB Summer Offensive

Keep up the pace

21 Jul 2022

Linda Carr reports on the 2022 CPGB Summer Offensive

Tinker, tailor, CPGB?

14 Jul 2022

Linda Carr reports on the 2022 CPGB Summer Offensive

Past and present

14 Jul 2022

This year’s Durham Miners’ Gala, the 136th, featured the great and good of the trade union movement. RMT’s Mick Lynch, rightly, got a huge cheer. But, as David John Douglass reports, there was also the promotion of pro-imperialist politics when it comes to Ukraine

Big Meeting!

07 Jul 2022

Linda Carr reports on the 2022 CPGB Summer Offensive

Cliffism to ministerialism

07 Jul 2022

The SWP’s comrades in Ireland are dreaming of joining a ‘broad alliance’ capitalist government led by Mary Lou McDonald’s Sinn Féin. Why does Alex Callinicos so tamely acquiesce to what is a betrayal of elementary principle, asks Anne McShane

Looking to the right

07 Jul 2022

Andrew Byrne reports on the impressions of the target audience and the centre-stage given to Gilbert Achcar and Jeremy Corbyn

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