
CPGB News > Reports

The squeeze

30 Jun 2022

Linda Carr reports on the 2022 CPGB Summer Offensive

The party question is key

30 Jun 2022

After the Supreme Court ruling, the left is debating strategy and tactics. But the key must be establishing a party and the best place to begin is breaking the DSA from the liberal wing of the bourgeoisie, argues Matthew Strupp of the Marxist Unity Group

Encouraging pledges

23 Jun 2022

Linda Carr reports on the 2022 CPGB Summer Offensive

A name that spells trouble

23 Jun 2022

The YCL's very public pro-Stalin chanting at the recent TUC demo was clearly a provocation aimed directly at Robert Griffiths and his timid leadership of the CPB, writes Lawrence Parker

Experience and expectations

23 Jun 2022

Especially in light of the challenges of Nato’s proxy war, there needs to be a push for the unity of the Marxist left in a party project. James Harvey reports

Stampeded by Russia’s attack

26 May 2022

Public and parliamentary opinion have undergone a panicked swing away from non-alignment. Jan Nyström reports on the attempt to forge a principled opposition to Nato membership

Time to rebel!

12 May 2022

James Harvey reports on last weekend’s CPGB membership aggregate, which discussed Ukraine and our plans for Communist University and fundraising

Resistance to war fever

07 Apr 2022

Amidst the suffocating establishment consensus, Toby Abse welcomes the relatively principled position taken by much of the Italian left

Stay, fight, win

31 Mar 2022

What is going on in the Democratic Socialists of America? Charlie Frank explains the conflict over BDS which is dividing left and right

Next step forward

31 Mar 2022

While the Socialist Party has imploded, new alternatives are emerging. Andries Stroper of the SP’s Communist Platform reports on the recent local elections

Drawing clear lines on Ukraine

17 Mar 2022

The war is not just about Russia and Ukraine. Muriel Green reports on the CPGB’s March 12 online members’ meeting

Cementing US control

10 Mar 2022

Mike Macnair spoke to Online Communist Forum on the 50th anniversary of Richard Nixon’s historic week-long visit to China

Perspectives 2022

17 Feb 2022

As proposed by the PCC and agreed by the AGM of CPGB members held on February 12

Charting the way forward

17 Feb 2022

We have suffered, and continue to suffer, from political fragility, but we have every reason to be confident about the future. James Harvey reports

Cosying up to Sir Keir

10 Feb 2022

Derek James reports on the split in the Socialist Campaign Group and the prospects for the ‘insider’ strategy

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