
Party & Programme

End the cycle of splits

24 May 2012

If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly

A strange amalgam

24 Nov 2005

Respect's second annual conference took place over the weekend of November 19-20. But what is Respect, asks Peter Manson - a party or coalition? In fact it is a chimera, a multi-headed beast which is regularly redefined by its leaders according to needs and circumstances

Decision time for SWP

17 Nov 2005

The Socialist Workers Party is still refusing to take responsibility for two of their members who voted for the scandalous pension deal in the PCSU: Martin John has resigned from the party and no action has been taken against Sue Bond. Lee Rock, national secretary of the PCSU Socialist Caucus, reports

We're small but we're back

17 Nov 2005

Pete McLaren and Steve Freeman report on a meeting to revive the Socialist Alliance. Both are officers in the new formation

SP rival to Respect?

17 Nov 2005

Joni Wells reports on the Socialist Party's Campaign for a New Workers Party

Reviving left reformism

17 Nov 2005

The Socialist Party in England and Wales is recruiting and in buoyant mood, writes Peter Manson. Its November 12-13 weekend school demonstrated that sectarianism brings short-term advantages

Open the borders

17 Nov 2005

Respect conference delegate David Isaacson explains why he will be supporting resolution 31, which would committ Respect to "oppose all borders"

Galloway's Churchillian moment

17 Nov 2005

Mark Fischer listened to George Galloway praising the British armed forces in World War II - "our finest hour as a country"

The modern Janus

17 Nov 2005

Respect purports to have something for everyone. In terms of programme, argues Jack Conrad, that means the attempt face two ways at the same time

Short-termist and dishonest

17 Nov 2005

Peter Manson looks at the role of the Socialist Party in the public service pensions sell-out

Party discipline no longer works

17 Nov 2005

Elisabeth Gauthier is a member of the executive committee of the Parti Communiste Français. She spoke to Tina Becker about the recent riots in France

Empty platitudes or programme of action

17 Nov 2005

Around 180 people from across Europe attended the November 12-13 'Assembly for a charter of principles for another Europe' in Florence. This charter, which could potentially be a very useful tool for the struggles of the working class in Europe, will be presented to the next European Social Forum in Athens in May 2006. However, the confusion about the purpose and structure of the charter mirrors the political disarray of much of the European left, says Tina Becker

Going to conference

10 Nov 2005

CPGB member Dave Isaacson has been selected a delegate to Respect conference

Debates from amongst the wreckage

10 Nov 2005

Dave Craig of the Revolutionary Democratic Group gives his account of the issues involved at this weekend's attempt to launch another Socialist Alliance

Communists tell it as it is

10 Nov 2005

We fight not for some halfway house, for diplomatic peace or for a federal non-aggression pact, writes Ian Mahoney. We fight for principled unity

Lethargic decline

10 Nov 2005

Anne Mc Shane reports from the latest meeting of Hackney Respect, which discussed climate change and chose delegates to Respect conference

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