
Party & Programme

End the cycle of splits

24 May 2012

If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly

What the French left says

10 Nov 2005

Parti Communiste Français

Meat and drink

10 Nov 2005

Ted North reports from a meeting of University of Sheffield Respect Society, which was addressed by George Galloway

Rees comes out for Blair's laws

29 Sep 2005

Leaders of the Socialist Worker Party are galloping to the right at a breathtaking pace: John Rees supports the religious hatred laws, reports Mark Fischer

Vote for class independence

28 Apr 2005

Mike Macnair revisits the question of the popular front

Strikingly modern

31 Mar 2005

On the 150th anniversary of the publication of the Communist Manifesto: Jack Conrad of the Communist Party of Great Britain

A primary programmatic document

31 Mar 2005

On the 150th anniversary of the publication of the Communist Manifesto: Mercan Koklu of the Communist Party of Turkey

The spectre of communism

31 Mar 2005

On December 12 of last year, the Communist Party of Great Britain (CPGB) and the Communist Party of Turkey (TKP) organised a joint day school on the significance of the Communist manifesto of Karl Marx and Frederick Engels. It was held in the apt venue of the Marx Memorial Library in London and the majority of the 60 or so present were from the CPGB and TKP.

Declining capitalism

31 Mar 2005

On the 150th anniversary of the publication of the Communist Manifesto: Hillel Ticktin, editor of Critique

Control the bureaucrats

11 Nov 2004

What are the lessons of Lenin's 1917 pamphlet State and revolution? Not the need for a 'commune state', argues Mike Macnair, but the need for representatives to be made accountable

Imperialism versus internationalism

12 Aug 2004

In this concluding article, Mike Macnair argues that our most powerful enemy is the imperialist state. That is why communists are revolutionary defeatists

Imperialism lives on

05 Aug 2004

In the second of a short series of articles, Mike Macnair examines the role of the state in the global order and looks at alternatives to the 'imperialism of free trade' theory

Economism and the necessity of programme

05 Aug 2004

Jack Conrad argues that the left is crippled by its flattery of economic struggles - and the constant downplaying of the primacy of the political

AWL, Iraq and 'new imperialism'

29 Jul 2004

Mike Macnair argues that the failure of the AWL to call for an immediate withdrawal of troops from Iraq is a symptom of their flawed analysis of imperialism

Respecting programme

05 Feb 2004

Jack Conrad contrasts the approach of the Bolsheviks to the tawdry attempts at self-justification by the opportunists in Respect

Bureaucratic fist tightens

05 Feb 2004

Tina Becker reports that the ESF is in great danger of being totally taken over by Ken Livingstone - with the full support of his little helpers in the Socialist Workers Party

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