
Party & Programme

End the cycle of splits

24 May 2012

If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly

Talking to the Weekly Worker

29 Jan 2004

Various figures from across the left and in Respect speak to the Weekly Worker on the official foundation of the unity coalition

Socialism: the final shibboleth

29 Jan 2004

Manny Neira attended Sunday's Respect launch. He reflects on soul music, and soul selling

No respect for equality

29 Jan 2004

Jack Conrad on the refusal of Respect to have its MP's on a workers wage thanks to the SWP

Neither fish nor fowl

29 Jan 2004

The unity coalition does not know whether it wants to be a movement or a party, argues Steve Freeman of the Revolutionary Democratic Group

John Rees airbrushes out history

29 Jan 2004

Rees' speech, while full of Panglossian optimism about the big time for the left (read, for the SWP), was actually an epitaph for the SA. Marcus Ström was there

Party and paper split

22 Jan 2004

Blairism and the delabourisation of Labour threw much of the revolutionary left into crisis, the CPB is only now belatedly following, writes Alan Rees

Bureaucratic grip tightens

22 Jan 2004

The London Mayor is in control of preparations for the European Social Forum. Tina Becker reports

Galloway's nationalist gaffe

22 Jan 2004

Cameron Richards reports on the Cardiff meeting of the unity coalition

Britain at the crossroads

22 Jan 2004

The Democracy Platform of the Socialist Alliance has issued an alternative declaration for Respect

Socialism, reform and revolution

22 Jan 2004

Chris Jones of the Revolutionary Democratic Group looks at the role of class struggle in shaping the politics of the 21st century

Left facing both ways

22 Jan 2004

The Socialist Alliance council voted overwhelmingly to engage with the RESPECT unity coalition, reports Peter Manson

Respect and opportunism

22 Jan 2004

Despite the failure of the SA the party question has not gone away: it is simply posed anew in the more difficult subjective conditions of Respect, writes Jack Conrad

Deep factional roots

15 Jan 2004

The special congress of the Mornign Star/CPB will decide whether the organisation will opt for an electoral coalition with other trends on the left, or doggedly remain tied to the auto-Labourism of its British road to socialism programme. Alan Rees takes a look

What about the workers?

15 Jan 2004

Respect's convention on January 25, no matter what its outcome, will merit a minor historical footnote, if for no other reason than the achievment of an unexpected unity of the left - even for one day. Marcus Ström reports

A modest proposal

15 Jan 2004

Manny Neira calls for a review of the democratic centralism practised by our organisation

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