
Party & Programme

End the cycle of splits

24 May 2012

If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly

Bolivia shifts left

12 Jan 2006

Which effect will Evo Morales' victory have on the working class and the political landscape in South America? Eddie Ford takes a closer look

Take control of the Bolivarian revolution

12 Jan 2006

Nick Rogers disputes Paul Hampton's assertion that the Chavez regime is Bonapartist and calls for a radical transfer of power to the working class

Maverick George Galloway offends SWP sensibilities

12 Jan 2006

George Galloway's decision to try his hand at 'reality' TV as a Big brother contestant has thrown Respect and the Socialist Workers Party into disarray, to put it mildly. Peter Manson reports

Learning from defeat

12 Jan 2006

Panayotis Yulis is a representative of the Network for Political and Social Rights in Greece (Epohi), which works with immigrants and political prisoners. He is a member of the Greek Social Forum and on the organising committee for the ESF in Athens

Dying on its feet

12 Jan 2006

Around 150 people gathered in the Konferenzhaus in Vienna to prepare for the next European Social Forum, which will take place in Athens on May 4-7 2006. Rifondazione Comunista's turn to government hung over the event like a Damocles sword - together with an unwillingness to take any decisive steps forward. Tina Becker fears that we might be witnessing the beginning of the end of the ESF as a vehicle for international cooperation

Why I intend to stand

05 Jan 2006

The SWP's John Molyneux explains why he is standing against the Central Committee's recommended slate

Reply to Molyneux

05 Jan 2006

The SWP's Central Committee responds to the troublesome John Molyneux

Church and state against women's rights

05 Jan 2006

Will Italy's Rifondazione Comunista risk upsetting their coalition partners-to-be by defending women's rights? Anne Mc Shane reports from the struggle over abortion rights in Italy

A loyal rebel

05 Jan 2006

On the eve of the Socialist Workers Party's annual conference this weekend (January 7-8), SW Kenning looks at what is going on behind the scenes and the official claims of one magnificent success leading to another

Bonapartism or social democracy?

05 Jan 2006

Paul Hampton of the Alliance for Workers' Liberty replies to Nick Rogers and upholds what he calls 'independent working class politics'

We are better than them!

15 Dec 2005

Peter Manson reports from last Saturday's 'international peace confernce' in London, which was more of a rally - and gave no answers as to what the anti-war movement should be doing next

Two-ward timid token

15 Dec 2005

Stan Keable attended the latest meeting of Respect West London - and was surprised by the pessimistic mood of the comrades

Losing the plot

15 Dec 2005

The latest meeting of Respect Hackney underlined the profound crisis of the comrades in the Socialist Workers Party over their role in Respect - they either ignore oppositional voices or they shout them down. Tina Becker reports

Building the new

15 Dec 2005

Dave Craig of the Revolutionary Democratic Group looks at the newly established Socialist Alliance

Chávez and the AWL

15 Dec 2005

Nick Rogers replies to Paul Hampton from the Alliance of Workers' Liberty

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