
Party & Programme

End the cycle of splits

24 May 2012

If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly

Reformist call to ban revolutionary funds

25 May 1995

Nothing less

18 May 1995

Turkish workers give lessons in class pride

18 May 1995

May Day, London 1995: tiny compared to demonstrations in Turkey, despite the strong Communist Party contingent

Steps to rapprochement

18 May 1995

Well done, London dockers!

18 May 1995

From Workers’ Dreadnought, paper of the Workers’ Socialist Federation, May 15 1920

Reforging the Party

11 May 1995

A liberal adrift

11 May 1995

In January of this year, Mark Fischer spoke to Francis Beckett

The Party's not over yet

11 May 1995

Mark Fischer reviews 'Enemy within: The rise and fall of the British Communist Party' by Francis Beckett

Communist optimism

11 May 1995

While paying lip service to Bolshevism, the British left boycotts London's May Day march

Communication of the Amsterdam Bureau

11 May 1995

From Workers’ Dreadnought, paper of the Workers’ Socialist Federation, May 8 1920

SUPPLEMENT: Notes on rapprochement

27 Apr 1995

Factions and the politics of Leninism

Unity, solidarity and struggle

27 Apr 1995

For some years one of the largest contingents on the May Day march in Britain has been of revolutionaries from Turkey - many in exile. Aziz Demir is a communist from Turkey with a proud revolutionary history. He analyses the state of the left in Turkey. Overleaf we reprint the article in Turkish [See PDF for Turkish reprint]

End Bolivian state of siege

27 Apr 1995

The whole picture

27 Apr 1995

Simone Aspis is a well known activist for disability rights and this week became a supporter of the Communist Party of Great Britain. We spoke to her about her political ideas and development

With friends like these ...

27 Apr 1995

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