
Party & Programme

End the cycle of splits

24 May 2012

If the left is to build a serious political organisation it will have to facilitate internal dissent, writes Mike Macnair. And that will require both majorities and minorities to act responsibly

One-dimensional Marxism and proposition one

15 Dec 2005

Why does the CPGB accuse the Socialist Workers Party of economism? Jack Conrad explains with a look at the 'where we stand column' in Socialist Worker and the comrades' attitude to nature, ecology and global warming

No to World Trade Organisation

08 Dec 2005

Farooq Tariq (general secretary Labour Party Pakistan) reports about the mass protests against the WTO in Pakistan

Opposition party or coalition partner?

08 Dec 2005

Trouble is brewing in the German Linkspartei. The Berlin regional congress of Wahlalternative (WASG) has just voted against the 'cooperation agreement', which maps out the unification process with the Party of Democratic Socialism (now renamed Linkspartei.PDS). WASG comrades in Berlin also want to stand separately in the 2006 local elections - refusing a joint candidature with the Linkspartei.PDS, which is part of the Berlin government. Yet, writes Tina Becker, Linksruck, the German section of the SWP, has joined forces with the WASG leadership in criticising this decision

Stalinist atmosphere reigns

08 Dec 2005

Our republication of a mildly critical piece from the Socialist Workers Party's Pre-conference bulletin seems to have caused a furious row inside the SWP - at least judging by the reaction of its author, Dave Crouch. Peter Manson reports

Cannonites and the way of the dodo

08 Dec 2005

Despite protests to the contrary, the Australian Socialist Alliance is dead, argues Marcus Ström. The Democratic Socialist Perspective has not broken from its old ways. On the contrary, it shares the same method as the SWP, which led to the closing down of the Socialist Alliance in England and Wales

Up to the top of the hill

08 Dec 2005

The Socialist Worker Party generals have failed the anti-war movement, says Eddie Ford, who looks forward to the December 10 Peace Conference in London

Working class project for Spanish America

01 Dec 2005

Nick Rogers looks at the contradictions in the Bolivarian revolution and calls for the building of workers' unity across the continent to defend and extend the gains won in Venezuela

DSP split over future

01 Dec 2005

Greg Adler, former national executive member of the Australian Socialist Alliance, looks at the dispute within Democratic Socialist Perspective, the dominant SA group

A world to save! A world to win!

01 Dec 2005

Jack Conrad looks at climate change and the programme that communists should advance

Socialist Worker: is it doing its job?

24 Nov 2005

Dave Crouch expresses disquiet over the relaunched SWP paper

United democratic opposition needed

24 Nov 2005

Principled communists and socialists should start working together in order to combat accustions of islamophobia and treachery, says Anne Mc Shane

Rightist liquidation threatens

24 Nov 2005

Ian Mahoney reviews the SWP's Pre-conference bulletin

Bizarre, upside-down politics

24 Nov 2005

Peter Tatchell responds to the implied SWP charge of racism and islamophobia against him and Outrage

A dead parrot - not quite

24 Nov 2005

Non-aligned Respect member Sean Thompson expresses his fear that the project is being killed by SWP control-freakery

Gay rights 'shibboleth'

24 Nov 2005

Was it just an oversight that gay and lesbian rights did not feature in Respect's election manifestio? Apparently not, as the debate at conference showed. Peter Manson reports

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