
Capitalism & Crisis

The decline of money

01 Mar 2012

If we are to understand the present crisis we need to grasp the decaying relationship between money, production and value. Hillel Ticktin discusses the growth of fictitious capital and impossibility of getting money to make money

Political economy of aid

30 Jun 2005

What lies behind the establishment's 'campaign for Africa'? Hillel Ticktin, editor of Critique, looks beneath the hype

Fair trade or socialism?

08 Jan 2004

Ben Lewis reviews: George Monbiot, The age of consent Harper Collins, 2003, pp274, £15.99

Crumbling like powder

08 Jan 2004

Mehdi Kia, co-editor of 'Iran Bulletin' - Middle East Forum, on the Iranian earthquake and the fate of the islamic regime

A bridge too far

18 Dec 2003

Mike Macnair reviews: Graham Dutfield, 'Intellectual property rights, trade and biodiversity', Earthscan Publications, 2002, pp238, £24.95 Michael Perelman, 'Steal this idea: intellectual property rights and the corporate confiscation of creativity', Palgrave, 2002, pp242, £17.65 Peter Drahos, 'A philosophy of intellectual property', Ashgate, 1996, reprint 2002, pp272, £60

State, religion and exploitation

27 Nov 2003

Al Richardson, who died last week, made a valuable contribution to Marxist thought. As a tribute we republish his article on the Asiatic mode of production, based on an opening given to Communist University 2001

Rail maintenance renationalised

30 Oct 2003

On Thursday October 23 Network Rail announced that it was to take all track maintenance work back in house - effectively renationalising the majority of rail maintenance contracts. Bill Stanley reports


21 Sep 2000

A decade after the self-collapse of bureaucratic socialism in the USSR and eastern Europe the world's big bankers and the pampered representatives of global capital meet over September 26-28. It is the IMF-World Bank's 55th annual conference and is being held in Prague with much fanfare - not least in order to mark the acceptance of the Czech Republic by the 'international community'.

Capitalism and its decline

16 Dec 1999

Many in the workers’ movement now accept what are erroneously called market values. So is capitalism set to dominate the 21st century? Did Marxism get it wrong about the decadence or decline of capitalism? Hillel Ticktin addressed the CPGB’s Communist University earlier this year on these and other questions.

Yeltsin’s last throw

19 Aug 1999

With the “failure of market capitalism” Russia continues its disastrous spiral

Prince of fools

10 Jun 1999

Triumph for new order

10 Jun 1999

South African elections

Exposing the fault lines

20 May 1999

Philip Bounds reviews 'The origins of postmodernity' by Perry Anderson (Verso 1998, pp143, £11) and 'The cultural turn: selected writings on the postmodern 1983-1998' by Frederic Jameson (Verso 1998, pp206, £11)

Fight for what we need: The living wage and socialism

08 Apr 1999

What the system can afford is not the concern of communists, writes John Walsh. The demand for £300 per week minimum income must be part of a revolutionary programme

Neither the pound nor the euro

25 Mar 1999

European Union

End of triumphalism

15 Oct 1998

Despite the global financial crisis, capitalism will not collapse of its own accord, argues Michael Malkin

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