Capitalism & Crisis
The decline of money
01 Mar 2012
If we are to understand the present crisis we need to grasp the decaying relationship between money, production and value. Hillel Ticktin discusses the growth of fictitious capital and impossibility of getting money to make money
Corruption and irrationality
19 Jul 2007
Jim Moody comments on the trial of Conrad Black, which highlights the enigma of 'capital without capitalists'
Floodtide of capital
28 Jun 2007
Mike Macnair locates the contradiction in capital's desire for free movement and its need to control labour
All-American hero
21 Jun 2007
AJ Byrne reviews Andy Stern's Getting America back on track: a country that works
Origins of fortress west
14 Jun 2007
What is the connection between the development of capitalism and restrictions on the movement of labour? In the first of two articles Mike Macnair traces such restrictions back to feudalism
Hands off our pensions
07 Jun 2007
Now that the stock market has seen a mild recovery, some larger companies are seeking a 'holiday' from their pension fund contributions. Jim Moody comments
SWP "relative autonomy"
25 May 2007
James Turley reviews Alex Callinico's Universities in a neoliberal world (Bookmarks, 2006, pp41, ?2)
Who gets what and why
17 May 2007
Chris Gray (New Interventions) reviews Tim Harford's The undercover economist Little, Brown 2006, pp288, £17.99
Class-consciousness and the naked king
10 May 2007
Russian communist Boris Kagarlitsky, founder of the Moscow-based Institute of Globalisation Studies, speaks to Mark Fischer about Yeltsin, Putin, the liberal opposition and the workers' movement
New scramble for Africa?
05 Apr 2007
Fifty years after African colonies began to win formal independence from the imperialists Nick Rogers looks at the continent's political and economic significance today
Seeds of the new society
07 Dec 2006
Within the symptoms of decline, Hillel Ticktin argues, there are anticipations of the future
Fuse workers' movement and Marxism
09 Nov 2006
Boris Kagarlitsky looks at the prospects and possibilities for the Russian left
Capitalist logic and NHS Logistics
21 Sep 2006
Privatisation of the whole of the national health service may not be on the cards just yet. But an important part of it is to be privatised in a few days. Jim Moody reports
Iran's workers need support
07 Sep 2006
Iran's president Ahmadinejad is a defender of neoliberalism, says Yassamine Mather
Decline and the transition to socialism
13 Oct 2005
Hillel Ticktin concludes his discussion on the theory of decline by examining its forms as capitalism makes way for a higher society
The theory of decline and capital
06 Oct 2005
In the first of two articles, Hillel Ticktin, editor of Critique, looks at the rise and fall of different modes of production and the problems of transition and non-transition