
Capitalism & Crisis

The decline of money

01 Mar 2012

If we are to understand the present crisis we need to grasp the decaying relationship between money, production and value. Hillel Ticktin discusses the growth of fictitious capital and impossibility of getting money to make money

Europe for the workers

05 Jun 1997

Union leaders bite their tongues

22 May 1997

Capitalism’s pipe dreams

30 Jan 1997

Pecking order

23 Jan 1997

Around the left

Government in retreat

23 Jan 1997

Taking on the state

Bosses’ clampdown reaches Korea

16 Jan 1997

Control of our own life processes

19 Dec 1996

Here we publish the speech by István Mészáros opening a discussion on his recently published book, Beyond Capital, at Communist University ’96

Fat cat of the year

04 Jul 1996

Eat football, sleep football, drop dead

13 Jun 1996

New words, same old ideas

06 Jun 1996

Hardly anyone could have failed to notice that the ‘stakeholding economy’ has become one of the buzz words of the 1990s - and even of the next millennium. Where has it come from and why does new Labour like it so much? Eddie Ford offers some explanations

NHS pocket calculator

30 May 1996

Old friends meet - but are they socialist?

02 May 1996

Russia and China

Blair courts US big business

18 Apr 1996

The warm welcome that US business and establishment figures gave to Tony Blair shows that their profits will be safe in ‘new’ Labour hands

Social disease

28 Mar 1996

Corrupt system limps on

22 Feb 1996

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