Capitalism & Crisis
The decline of money
01 Mar 2012
If we are to understand the present crisis we need to grasp the decaying relationship between money, production and value. Hillel Ticktin discusses the growth of fictitious capital and impossibility of getting money to make money
Uncontrollable forces
24 Sep 1998
Michael Malkin discusses the crisis of global financial markets
Economistic despair
03 Sep 1998
Around the left
Russia in crisis
03 Sep 1998
Worldwide recession looms
Euro fightback
11 Jun 1998
New strategy needed for working class in European Union
Poverty wage
04 Jun 1998
Fight for what we need!
Capitalism and slavery
18 Dec 1997
This article is based on a speech given at Communist University ’97 by Robin Blackburn, author of ‘The making of New World slavery’
Curing Korea’s crisis?
04 Dec 1997
Russia in transition
20 Nov 1997
This article is based on a speech given by Hillel Ticktin at Communist University ‘97
Markets in turmoil
30 Oct 1997
After Brown Monday panic set in, as London share dealers were hit by the worldwide slump
Aiming to silence protest
28 Aug 1997
Scotland’s referendum: Bosses warm to Labour’s sop
28 Aug 1997
While some on the left portray the Scottish parliament as the first step on the way to providing decent services and conditions for people in Scotland, Donald Dewar makes it clear big business will remain firmly in control
Business welcomes Brown’s budget
10 Jul 1997
New Labour boss attacks workers
10 Jul 1997
Just two months into Blair’s honeymoon, New Labour’s business ally, Bob Ayling, is tooled up to batter the workforce
Bosses call for ‘tough discipline’
19 Jun 1997
Fight for a workers’ Europe
12 Jun 1997
As militant workers and trade unionists converge on Amsterdam this Saturday, the bosses’ plans for monetary union are coming unstuck. But if we let them, they will resolve their problems at our expense