Capitalism & Crisis
The decline of money
01 Mar 2012
If we are to understand the present crisis we need to grasp the decaying relationship between money, production and value. Hillel Ticktin discusses the growth of fictitious capital and impossibility of getting money to make money
Driving the green wedge
28 Sep 2023
Rishi Sunak’s sudden U-turn is the result of desperation … and a leak, writes Eddie Ford. Meanwhile, yet another authoritative report shows that yet another climate record is in danger of being broken
Sex, lies and celebrity
28 Sep 2023
Sexual misconduct is inseparable from celebrity culture and the capitalist media apparatus. But, asks Paul Demarty, can Russell Brand ever get a fair trial?
A year of defiance
21 Sep 2023
Despite countless protest demonstrations and at least 500 deaths the Islamic regime still clings to power. Yassamine Mather calls upon the left to think seriously about strategy, mass organisation and a party
Doctors step up action
14 Sep 2023
BMA members have returned huge majorities for strike action. While the Tory government remains intransigent, there does seem to be some movement on Labour’s front bench, Richard Galen reports
Expect nothing from Sir Keir
14 Sep 2023
Birmingham city’s declaration of bankruptcy comes after a decade and more of austerity and the systematic erosion of local government. Kevin Bean calls for a return to democracy but on a much higher level
Dog days of summer
14 Sep 2023
Yet more climate records fall, but the Tory government is criminally ‘maxing out’ fossil fuels and sabotaging the expansion of offshore wind capacity, writes Eddie Ford
Land, sea and air records
10 Aug 2023
Yet more grim statistics show that the planet is getting hotter and hotter, writes Eddie Ford. Meanwhile the Tories are denouncing eco-zealots, campaigning against Ulez and granting yet more oil and gas concessions
Gambler of Riyadh
10 Aug 2023
From sportswashing to megacities: what is MBS up to? Paul Demarty investigates the grandiose Vision 2030
Techno-fix delusions
27 Jul 2023
Given the abject failure to deliver on the governmental pledges made in 2015 at Cop 21, there has been an increasing turn to bogus technological solutions, warns Jack Conrad
Back on the picket line
20 Jul 2023
Richard Galen reports on the recent round of action by junior doctors and what happens next in the NHS
Wages, profits and inflation
20 Jul 2023
Are wages driving up prices, or are wages chasing higher prices? Michael Roberts comments on an interesting OECD report
Fifty years of socialist theory
20 Jul 2023
Yassamine Mather looks at the role of the journal founded by Hillel Ticktin in 1973
L-content and price
13 Jul 2023
Moshé Machover expands on his arguments in favour of applying statistical reasoning to the problems of analysing capitalism at its most basic level
Road leading nowhere
06 Jul 2023
After 75 years the NHS has been driven into permanent crisis. The government’s ‘comprehensive workforce plan’ is no solution, it is mere electioneering, writes Ian Spencer
Hierarchy of automation
01 Jun 2023
Michael Roberts discusses Daron Acemoglu’s warning that artificial intelligence will be used to flatten living standards and increase capital’s profitability