
Society & Culture

Günter Grass and the German neurosis

19 Apr 2012

Maciej Zurowski looks at a literary scandal and the bourgeoisie's attempt to cope with its past

Collaboration with Nazism

11 Aug 2022

Gaby Rubin reviews Zionism during the holocaust: the weaponisation of holocaust memory in the service of state and nation by Tony Greenstein (2022, pp488)

Happily flying blind

11 Aug 2022

Closure of the Tavistock GIDS clinic highlights the conflict between culture war politics and science, argues Isaac McCabe

Indy2, strikes and boycotts

28 Jul 2022

Why are the ‘official communists’ in such a muddle over the SNP’s bid to hold a legal referendum on independence? James Harvey critiques the YCL’s gensec

Phew, what a scorcher

21 Jul 2022

As temperatures hit record highs, James Harvey pours scorn on the Johnson government’s totally inadequate targets and the backtracking by the leadership candidates, not least Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak

State and philosophy

14 Jul 2022

Mike Macnair reviews Beyond Leviathan: critique of the state by István Mészáros (edited by John Bellamy Foster, Monthly Review Press, 2022, pp482, £18.76)

Take it back from them

07 Jul 2022

As everyone knows, Pride began as a radical protest march, but has long been taken over by big business. Eddie Ford warns against the logic of sectionalism

Democracy in America?

30 Jun 2022

The latest attack on abortion rights shows the danger of worshipping the constitution, writes Daniel Lazare

The party question is key

30 Jun 2022

After the Supreme Court ruling, the left is debating strategy and tactics. But the key must be establishing a party and the best place to begin is breaking the DSA from the liberal wing of the bourgeoisie, argues Matthew Strupp of the Marxist Unity Group

On a collision course

23 Jun 2022

Daniel Lazare reviews 'The avoidable war: the dangers of a catastrophic conflict between the US and Xi Jinping’s China' by Kevin Rudd (PublicAffairs Books, 2022, pp432, £17)

A disaster predicted

16 Jun 2022

Gaby Rubin reviews 'Dictating to the estate' written by Nathaniel McBride, directed by Lisa Goldman and Natasha Langridge, performed at the Maxilla Social Club

Women, wages and reproduction

16 Jun 2022

Critically engaging with Lise Vogel can be useful if we want to develop our understanding of women’s oppression and how to overcome it, argues Anne McShane

At whose service?

16 Jun 2022

Reform of primary care should not be trusted to the likes of Policy Exchange, writes James Linney. This ‘independent’ think tank was set up by Tories to serve the Tory agenda of cost-saving and profit-making

Enlightenment and pure joy

09 Jun 2022

Judy Carousian reviews 'Compass and Moshé Machover' by Helena Aksentijevic (YouTube, 2022)

Messianic colonialism

09 Jun 2022

Religious ideology and nationalist ideology have a unique interrelationship; after all, even secular Zionists have to justify their ongoing colonial project with reference to a god they do not believe in. However, as Moshé Machover shows, it is the religious Zionists of the far right who are increasingly setting the agenda, not least by staging all manner of highly dangerous provocations

Running out of luck

26 May 2022

The new Labor government is committed, like its predecessor, to the US alliance and disengaging with China. Meanwhile, real wages fall, inflation increases and climate change brings floods, fires and droughts. Michael Roberts looks at a country facing troubled times

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