
Society & Culture

Günter Grass and the German neurosis

19 Apr 2012

Maciej Zurowski looks at a literary scandal and the bourgeoisie's attempt to cope with its past

Eat football, sleep football, drop dead

13 Jun 1996

On the edge

06 Jun 1996

Breon James reviews Sunspots, by Judy Upton, directed by Lisa Goldman (Red Room, 42-44 Gaisford Street, Kentish Town, London; £6, £4 concessions)


06 Jun 1996

Phil Rudge reviews William Morris (the Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington); William Morris: questioning the legacy (Crafts Council Gallery, Pentonville Road, Islington); William Morris (talk by Tony Benn, at WM Gallery, Lloyd Park, Forest Road, Walthamstow)

New Labour?

06 Jun 1996

Labour declares war on youth

06 Jun 1996

At last new Labour is not imitating the Tories...

Precipice of disaster

30 May 1996

Helen Ellis reviews Archaos' Game over (Brixton Academy, £17.50 and £20.00)

Two worlds collide

30 May 1996

Phil Rudge reviews Bartleby by Herman Melville (Penguin 1996, pp47)

The whirligig of time

30 May 1996

John Craig reviews Twelve Monkeys (directed by Terry Gilliam, 1996)

SLP youth get organised

23 May 1996

Race scientists re-enter mainstream

23 May 1996

Eddie Ford reviews The Race Gallery: the return of racial science by Marek Kohn (Jonathan Cape London 1995, pp322)

Weapon of democracy

23 May 1996

Church hypocrisy

Art attack

16 May 1996

Kevin Newton reviews 'Revolting Britain' (Viewpoint Galleries, Charlotte Street, Manchester)

Who’s next for the chop?

07 May 1996

Counting the cost

02 May 1996

John Bayliss reviews The nature of numbers by Ian Stewart (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, London, pp150, £9.99)

Utopian at heart

02 May 1996

Ian Mahoney reviews Social anarchism or lifestyle anarchism: An unbridgeable chasm by Murray Bookchin (AK Press, pp86, £5.95)

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