
Democracy & State

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

Unique and historic opportunity

28 Jul 2016

There is no reason to be pessimistic about the struggle in the Labour Party. Peter Manson replies to Ian Birchall

Obituaries: Two miners’ heroes

28 Jul 2016

David Douglass remembers Brian Robson and Davey Hopper

Time for Corbyn to speak out

21 Jul 2016

What does the right do when it loses an election? It voids the result! Tony Greenstein reports on the suspension of the largest local Labour unit

Conniving with the Tories

21 Jul 2016

The vote to renew Trident demonstrated that the Labour right will stop at nothing in their desire to be rid of Jeremy Corbyn, writes Peter Manson

Erdoğan’s counter-coup coup

21 Jul 2016

While a bloody military intervention has been defeated, that in itself is no reason to cheer, writes Esen Uslu

Three Brexiteers set up to fail

21 Jul 2016

When it comes to the EU, Theresa May has shown herself capable of thinking ahead for more than a week, writes Eddie Ford

Brexit, TTIP and TPP

21 Jul 2016

Michael Roberts examines a possible effect of a British withdrawal from the European Union

Which side are you on?

21 Jul 2016

Why is the Morning Star’s Communist Party of Britain willing to be an ally of the Labour thought police, asks Dave Lynch

No safe spaces for traitors

21 Jul 2016

Jeremy Corbyn not only faces the nonentity, Owen Smith, but a legal challenge in the high court. Jim Grant of Labour Party Marxists says the left must toughen up

Fight fire with fire

14 Jul 2016

The Labour left needs to go on the offensive against the right, argues Eddie Ford

Not a whitewash

14 Jul 2016

Yassamine Mather examines the Chilcot report and looks at a possible response

Don’t rely on the courts

14 Jul 2016

Mike Macnair considers the likelihood of a legal challenge to Labour’s NEC

Defend Corbyn where it really matters

14 Jul 2016

Why do sections of the left refuse to call for people join the Labour Party? Peter Manson looks at the contradictions of the SWP and SPEW

What was social democracy?

07 Jul 2016

Chris Cutrone of the Platypus Affiliated Society traces the origins of current socialist terminology1

Time to counterattack

07 Jul 2016

The Labour plotters are well organised, but weaker than they look. Jim Grant of Labour Party Marxists urges that we take the fight to them

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