
Democracy & State

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

We need a brand new clause four

22 Sep 2016

The battle with the right is sure to intensify after Corbyn’s re-election. As part of that battle James Marshall of Labour Party Marxists calls for the adoption of new principles

Russia is not about to invade

22 Sep 2016

Eddie Ford does not want British armed forces ‘fit’ for fighting a world war - instead they should be replaced by a people’s militia

Three different approaches

22 Sep 2016

The 1918 Fabian creation and 1959 alteration, the 1995 Blairite version, and the proposed new clause four drafted by Labour Party Marxists

Democracy, not meritocracy

15 Sep 2016

What lies behind Theresa May’s grammar school wheeze? Charlotte Black says it has nothing to do with equality of opportunity

Media: old and new

15 Sep 2016

What is the impact of technology on the mass media? How can the left overcome its marginality in the public discourse? Should we trust Google searches? Paul Demarty addressed the past, present and future of the media at this year’s Communist University

Lexiteers all at sea

15 Sep 2016

Both the Morning Star’s CPB and SPEW advocate immigration controls and socialism in one country, notes Mike Macnair

Skewered by moralism

15 Sep 2016

An old-fashioned tabloid scandal? Harley Filben looks at the Keith Vaz affair

After Corbyn’s second victory

15 Sep 2016

The failed coup presents the left with an unparalleled historic opportunity. James Marshall of Labour Party Marxists outlines a programme of immediate tasks and long-term strategic goals

Ethnic cleansing?

15 Sep 2016

Binyamin Netanyahu’s video might have caused outrage, but Zionism still has friends in high places. Tony Greenstein comments

Apologists for Zionism

08 Sep 2016

Tony Greenstein introduces his open letter to Labour MP Joan Ryan

An Open Letter

08 Sep 2016

Tony Greenstein addresses Labour MP Joan Ryan

How to deselect your MP

08 Sep 2016

Carla Roberts looks at the rules, past and present

ANC in disarray

08 Sep 2016

While the ruling party is riven by factions, writes Peter Manson, the SACP too is deeply divided

For the love of god, go

08 Sep 2016

Ed Balls urges the right not to split - but Paul Demarty wonders if they have a choice

Make it mandatory

08 Sep 2016

Carla Roberts reviews: David Osland's 'How to select or reselect your MP', Spokesman Books, 2016, pp16, £4

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