
Democracy & State

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

Pseudo-secularism on the beach

01 Sep 2016

The petty cruelty of the French burqini bans stems from an elite looking for scapegoats, writes Paul Demarty

End the bans and proscriptions

01 Sep 2016

Once the Labour Party was characterised by tolerance and inclusion, all working class organisations were welcome - no longer. James Marshall of Labour Party Marxists explores the history

Burying the scandal

01 Sep 2016

The western media has shown little interest in new revelations about the slaughter of political prisoners in 1988, reports Yassamine Mather

After the Brexit vote

25 Aug 2016

Mike Macnair argues that very little has become clearer since late June

Imperialists bearing gifts

25 Aug 2016

Yassamine Mather examines the changing alliances in the war in Syria

Trotspotting: a field guide

25 Aug 2016

Tom Watson is worried about ‘infiltrators’: Jim Grant of Labour Party Marxists is less than impressed with his conspiracy theories

Sources, streams and confluence

25 Aug 2016

Ben Lewis offers some thoughts on the origins of democratic centralism

Don’t demand an election

04 Aug 2016

The main task is to transform Labour into a party that can form a genuine workers’ government, argues Peter Manson

Scorched earth litigation

04 Aug 2016

The right’s implausible and not so implausible legal threats have a purpose, writes Mike Macnair

An independent voice

04 Aug 2016

How can we combat the disinformation of the mass media? Yassamine Mather discusses the problems and solutions

Festival of nationalism

04 Aug 2016

This year’s Olympics are even more grotesque than normal, writes Eddie Ford

No let-up in purge

28 Jul 2016

A grand national coalition is part of Erdoğan’s ‘godsent opportunity’, writes Esen Uslu

No time to stay silent

28 Jul 2016

BMA members must insist that the union’s decisions are followed through, argues Richard Galen

Right’s floundering coup

28 Jul 2016

Where next for the Labour right? Jim Grant considers the options

From Powell to Brexit

28 Jul 2016

Alex Carnovic interviews Evan Smith about his forthcoming book 'British communism and the politics of race'

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