
Democracy & State

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

Sacked workers step up protest

04 Feb 2010

Workers are resisting attempts to make them pay for dismantling the state's tobacco monopoly. Esen Uslu reports

Us and them Britain

04 Feb 2010

Two recently published reports have served to expose the true nature of Britain today, writes Eddie Ford

Why we should not call for jailing of Tony Blair

04 Feb 2010

To effectively oppose imperialist wars we must avoid the trap of legalism, argues Ben Lewis

Who broke it, Cameron?

28 Jan 2010

David Douglass points the finger at Thatcherism and New Labour

Taking Labour seriously

21 Jan 2010

The Labour Representation Committee has just published a list of Labour candidates that it will be actively supporting in the coming general election. It is a starting point, argues Ben Lewis

Will left go on the offensive?

21 Jan 2010

Dave Craig considers the prospects for the Republican Socialist Convention

Johnson's bans are an attack on us all

21 Jan 2010

Oppose the ban on Islam4UK, writes Eddie Ford

Trouble at the top

14 Jan 2010

More than corruption revealed in Northern Ireland, writes James Turley

Winning members that Left Unity cannot reach

14 Jan 2010

Dave Vincent reports on the re-election of Mark Serwotka as general secretary of the Public and Commercial Services union

Union bosses refuse to fight

17 Dec 2009

Irish trade unions are tied to the establishment, writes Anne Mc Shane

Make a federal republic fifth option

17 Dec 2009

The question of Scottish independence is not going to go away, writes Sarah McDonald

Fighting over the corpse

17 Dec 2009

As the two wings of the regime continue to squabble, write Chris Strafford and Yassamine Mather, the opposition movement grows in radicalism and confidence

Corus ructions

17 Dec 2009

Steve Cooke reports on steel job losses in Redcar

Common struggle required

17 Dec 2009

The year is coming to an end amid great uncertainty, reports Esen Uslu

Statement by Iran Khodro car workers

10 Dec 2009

Issued December 6, the day before the clashes

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