
Democracy & State

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

Weyman Bennett should be criticised, not charged

25 Mar 2010

The sorry farce in Bolton once again demonstrates that the anti-fascist left is not only disorganised, but politically disorientated, writes Eddie Ford

International fightback, not 'race to the bottom'

25 Mar 2010

Elementary workplace struggles demand to be generalised, writes James Turley

Whoring for business

25 Mar 2010

Jim Moody finds yawning democratic gaps, including in Tusc policies

No judge-made bans on BNP

18 Mar 2010

Moves to restrict the right to politically organise could easily be used against the left, argues Eddie Ford

Less radical than clause four

18 Mar 2010

A trained economist and computer scientist with a political background in Maoism, Paul Cockshott damns the CPGB's Draft programme as being to the right of Labour governments past and present

Rehabilitation not revenge

18 Mar 2010

James Turley takes on the reactionaries whipping up hysteria over the age of criminal responsibility

Joe Glenton and the popular militia demand

11 Mar 2010

Individual defiance is laudable, but more is required, argues Eddie Ford

Prepare carefully for fresh action

11 Mar 2010

Dave Vincent fears that the PCS NEC has backed itself into a corner

The politics of bribery

11 Mar 2010

The Tories are showing themselves up as the party of corruption, says James Turley

Corruption and crime

04 Mar 2010

The breathtaking hypocrisy surrounding the Mills case must be exposed, argues Toby Abse

National government danger comes with hung parliament

04 Mar 2010

A hung parliament could shift British politics to the right, warns Eddie Ford

Storms and teacups

25 Feb 2010

Both the media and bourgeois politicians want us to concentrate on personal strengths and weaknesses. But that is not the main issue, argues James Turley

Debating with left nationalists

18 Feb 2010

This Convention does not take forward a project of principled left unity in any way, writes Nick Rogers

Symptom of democratic deficit

11 Feb 2010

For recallable MPs on a worker's wage, writes Jim Moody

Honesty and narcissism

04 Feb 2010

James Turley looks at Tony Blair's performance before the Chilcot enquiry and the futile search for a smoking gun. Britain's alliance with the United States is the real culprit

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