
Democracy & State

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

Nationalist common sense

12 Nov 2009

Nick Rogers attended the No2EU session at SPEW’s Socialism event

Culture fit for a ruling class

05 Nov 2009

Mark Fischer describes the experience of addressing the students of Britain’s most renowned public school

Close the scab hubs

05 Nov 2009

Steve Sweeney reports on a regional initiative in support of postal workers

Solidarity vital from other sections of working class

05 Nov 2009

Not surprisingly there is a clear sentiment for disaffiliation from the Labour Party. However, argues Jim Moody, postal workers need a positive political strategy if they are going to win their dispute with Royal Mail

New vision for Europe wanted

08 Oct 2009

James Turley argues that the bourgeoisie is incapable of uniting Europe on any secure basis

Anti-BNP class-collaboration

01 Oct 2009

The left’s spluttering response to Nick Griffin’s invitation to appear on Question time reveals a floundering political strategy, argues James Turley

Islam and Rushdie

30 Jul 2009

James Turley reviews Kenan Malik’s From fatwa to jihad: the Rushdie affair and its legacy Atlantic, 2009, pp266, £16.99

Making and unmaking Labour

30 Jul 2009

An alternative to the Labour Party will only ever grip masses of workers if it is an alternative to Labourism, writes Mike Macnair

How not to stop the BNP

23 Jul 2009

The continued rise of the British National Party raises key questions about the left's strategy. Ben Lewis takes a look at the Socialist Workers Party's analysis and argues for a root-and-branch rethink

Dead Russians

12 Mar 2009

Jack Conrad defends Lenin and Trotsky, and issues a health warning about Arthur Scargill, George Galloway, Robert Griffiths and others who want to forget, belittle or maintain silence over the crimes of Stalin

Britain: before and after the election

12 Mar 2009

On March 12 1984 - 25 years ago - the miners' Great Strike officially began. For the next 12 months, miners and the women of the pit communities fought a desperate battle for jobs, for their communities and for their class. This epic struggle mobilised the support of millions, in this country and across the globe.

Abstention or intervention

12 Feb 2009

After the victory by the Lindsey wildcat strike, James Turley draws some lessons

Stalinist illusions exposed

18 Sep 2008

Mike Macnair explodes the myths about the 'gains' of the USSR

Solzhenitsyn: false prophet

04 Sep 2008

Paul Flewers, author of 'The new civilisation? Understanding Stalin's Soviet Union 1929-1941', investigates how a hero of western anti-communism came to be abandoned by his former promoters

David Davis and democratic rights

10 Jul 2008

The failure of the far left to champion democracy has allowed rightwing polititians to pose as libertarians, argues Mike Macnair

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