
Democracy & State

Overcoming the enemies within

17 May 2012

The left must unite in order to change the relationship of forces both within and outside the Labour Party, argues Mike Macnair

Courage to tell the truth

06 May 2010

Yassamine Mather condemns the farce of the UK general election

The right to be offensive

29 Apr 2010

Creeping censorship must be opposed - even if feelings get hurt, argues James Turley

Fractured left

29 Apr 2010

While the main battle in Scotland will once more be between Labour and the SNP, rival left nationalists will also be slugging it out. Sarah McDonald reports

From an instrument of deception

29 Apr 2010

Mike Macnair reviews the mainstream election campaign and the inadequate response of the left

Cleggmania and the return of the Lib-Lab pact?

22 Apr 2010

Eddie Ford wonders if we are about to see the fulfilment of the Blair project

Limits of Labourism

22 Apr 2010

Ben Lewis reviews Labour Representation Committee's 'A people's agenda: a pamphlet for the general election 2010'* pp12, donation

Keeping quiet on party politics

15 Apr 2010

Dave McAllister reports on the Saturday April 10 demonstration against cuts

A taxing dilemma

15 Apr 2010

The dispute over taxation shows the bourgeois establishment's poverty of ideas, argues James Turley

Accountable to their party

15 Apr 2010

All three mainstream parties promise voters the power to recall their MPs. Jim Moody looks at the details

Vote for Labour anti-cuts, anti-war candidates

08 Apr 2010

Prepare for a political fightback, writes James Turley

What the EDL is and how not to combat it

08 Apr 2010

Is it wrong to describe membership of the English Defence League as lumpen? Are they BNP pawns or a fascist danger in their own right? Eddie Ford examines these and other questions

It is not enough to call for abolition of anti-union laws

08 Apr 2010

Capitalism and the rule of law are incompatible with political democracy and free association, writes Mike Macnair

Darling promises to be the kinder butcher

01 Apr 2010

With Tory confusion on the economy, the general election looks to be very close, writes James Turley

Misusing Marx and Engels

01 Apr 2010

Allan Armstrong of the Scottish Socialist Party's international committee replies to Nick Rogers

Proportional representation and Brown's opportunist ploy

01 Apr 2010

What sort of electoral system should communists advocate? Moshé Machover - mathematician, lecturer in philosophy and leftwing activist - examines the alternatives to 'first past the post'

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