
Imperialism & War > War and peace

Our duty to Iran's working class

15 Mar 2012

Speaking at a CPGB meeting in Manchester in support of Hands Off the People of Iran, Yassamine Mather makes the call for urgent and principled solidarity

Fusion is no solution

26 Jan 2023

There has been much crowing over the recent breakthrough in nuclear technology. But Jack Conrad has his doubts about fusion being the ultimate terrestrial energy source

German Ostpolitik collapses

26 Jan 2023

What lies behind the furore over sending Leopard 2 tanks to the Ukraine battlefield? Something deeper is going on, writes Daniel Lazare

Escalation on every front

19 Jan 2023

Moshé Machover looks at the new Israeli government and what it means when it comes to Palestinian oppression, ethnic cleansing, religious intolerance and the danger of war with Iran

Talking peace, preparing for war

12 Jan 2023

Syria is not only still wrecked, but still divided. Esen Uslu reports on the tripartite negotiations and their significance

Crime of victimless crime

15 Dec 2022

The harsh treatment meted out to Brittney Griner gives us a glimpse of the human cost of the so-called war on drugs. Daniel Lazare looks at five decades of horror

Notes on the war

08 Dec 2022

General Winter will favour those who have the best extreme weather kit, equipment and rations. Jack Conrad looks at the military situation and the wider strategic picture

After the election

01 Dec 2022

Netanyahu’s coalition is a rag-bag of rightists, religious fanatics and rabble-rousers. But it is dangerous. A regional war and the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians is a real prospect, argues Moshé Machover

Ending the dynamic stalemate?

24 Nov 2022

Militarily the war is unwinnable, so politics are vital. Esen Uslu calls for Öcalan’s line to be continued

Trauma, terror, war and peace

03 Nov 2022

Jim Moody reviews Causeway (directed by Lila Neugebauer, distributor: Apple TV) and Butterfly vision (directed by Maksym Nakonechnyi, distributor: MUBI)

Journalism? What journalism?

13 Oct 2022

Daniel Lazare looks behind the anti-Russia lies and spin and finds a corporate media that has no interest nor concern for the truth

Notes on the war

13 Oct 2022

Sabotage of pipelines, annexations, crazy talk of nuclear weapons and plans for regime change - but the socialist alternative is sadly lacking. Jack Conrad calls for unity in the serious business of party-building

Another common sense is possible

06 Oct 2022

Ukraine, Nord Stream, the nuclear war danger, US China strategy, Tory unravelling and a record Labour opinion lead. Gaby Rubin reports

Weighing the evidence

06 Oct 2022

After eliminating the improbable, Daniel Lazare points a finger of blame at the probable culprit

Cornered, bellicose and dangerous

06 Oct 2022

The lady was for turning after all, writes Eddie Ford, and the Tories are now in a state of open civil war, facing a crushing electoral defeat. So will Liz Truss play the Ukraine war card?

The Blob closes in

29 Sep 2022

Trump is a con artist with a transactional approach to the law. However, argues Daniel Lazare, Democrat attempts to prosecute him are political warfare by other means

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