
Imperialism & War > War and peace

Our duty to Iran's working class

15 Mar 2012

Speaking at a CPGB meeting in Manchester in support of Hands Off the People of Iran, Yassamine Mather makes the call for urgent and principled solidarity

Full-spectrum complicity

01 Feb 2024

By ‘suspending’ funding, the west’s diversionary campaign against UNRWA gives the lie to bourgeois cant about ‘genocide prevention’, argues Paul Demarty

A comedy of errors

25 Jan 2024

Vastly expensive, unsafe and inextricably linked to weapons of mass destruction - Eddie Ford rejects the madness of nuclear power

After October 7

11 Jan 2024

The war in Gaza has to be put in regional, global and historic context. Moshé Machover talked to Yassamine Mather at a Voice of Revolution meeting held online on December 20

Threats mask timid actions

04 Jan 2024

Yassamine Mather says that neither the US nor Iran want an all-out war, but after the assassination of Saleh al-Arouri in Beirut and the bomb attacks on Qasem Soleimani’s admirers, tensions are reaching breaking-point

Not a religious war

04 Jan 2024

Daniel Lazare lumps Hamas together with the Zionists, argues Tony Greenstein. But socialists should unconditionally support the oppressed

Far from pacified

07 Dec 2023

There can be no possibility of a military solution in Gaza. October 7 was a death trip, argues Daniel Lazare

Zionist drives and divisions

07 Dec 2023

Eradicating Hamas provides a useful cover, but everything points to ethnic cleansing, says Moshé Machover

Cowards, careerists and Corbyn diehards

23 Nov 2023

Momentum MP Navendu Mishra claims to be in favour of a Gaza ceasefire. Despite that he followed Starmer’s orders to abstain, reports Carla Roberts

Hamas and its backers

16 Nov 2023

Plenty of talk, but precious little action. Gaza offers the opportunity for the Arab masses to rise up and overthrow their own governments, writes Yassamine Mather

Anatomy of genocide

09 Nov 2023

Targeting of health infrastructure is definite policy. Ian Spencer assesses the terrible human cost of the Israeli assault since October 7

Digging to resist

02 Nov 2023

The Gaza metro of underground tunnels presents a formidable challenge for the Israeli killing machine. In this case, writes Eddie Ford, the weak might just overcome the strong

What happened to solidarity?

02 Nov 2023

Anne McShane celebrates the fellow feeling with the Palestinians and notes the drift of Sinn Féin into the mainstream pro-Israel consensus

A potent cause

02 Nov 2023

Israel’s genocidal assault on Gaza creates complex problems for the dictatorial regimes in the region. Yassamine Mather examines the different responses both from above and below

Doubling down on genocide

02 Nov 2023

Sir Keir’s Chatham House speech shows exactly where he stands. But, asks Kevin Bean, where will the official Labour left go, given the massive popular movement against Israel’s war on Gaza? An uncertain tincture of courage combines with continued fear for careers and expense accounts

A Jewish crisis

02 Nov 2023

Zionism ≠ Judaism. Daniel Lazare looks at the effect that Israel’s oppression of Palestine is having on American Jews - as more and more of them join protests against the threat of genocide in Gaza

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