
Imperialism & War > War and peace

Our duty to Iran's working class

15 Mar 2012

Speaking at a CPGB meeting in Manchester in support of Hands Off the People of Iran, Yassamine Mather makes the call for urgent and principled solidarity

Rhetoric and double talk

26 Oct 2023

How will the Islamic Republic react to Gaza? Yassamine Mather explains why the masses are for the moment largely passive and how that could easily change

Joe Biden’s two-front war

26 Oct 2023

Economically more and more debt, diplomatically more and more enemies, militarily more and more wars. Daniel Lazare sees imperial overload

Unprecedented numbers for Palestine

26 Oct 2023

Ryan Frost gives his impressions of the demonstrations and why it is vital to go beyond the essentially circular politics of protest

Expect the worst

26 Oct 2023

October 7 was a disaster for the Palestinian people because it has created the conditions for yet another round of ethnic cleansing. There is also the danger, argues Moshé Machover, of a wider regional conflagration

Genocide in Gaza

26 Oct 2023

Electricity cut off, no petrol, an absence of drinkable water, together with grotesquely reduced healthcare, all point in one direction, warns Ian Spencer

Week in the hall of mirrors

19 Oct 2023

Reporting of Israel’s assault on Gaza provides an object lesson in how the bourgeois media works, argues Paul Demarty

What you need to know about Hamas

19 Oct 2023

Eddie Ford looks at the history and politics of what is a deeply reactionary organisation and how we could win the battle of ideas

Oppression breeds resistance

12 Oct 2023

A revolt of the hopeless by the hopeless for the hopeless. Moshé Machover explores the background to the predictable Hamas attack on Israel and the likely consequences

Opening up yet another front

28 Sep 2023

Saudi Arabia and the US are looking to repair their strained relationship with a strategic deal which could easily lead to a nuclear arms race in the Middle East, says Daniel Lazare

Expect more hot air

21 Sep 2023

Claims of defying the government’s latest anti-trade union laws and at the same time supporting its war aims in Ukraine are in flat contradiction, writes Eddie Ford

Celebrating a mass murderer

10 Aug 2023

Christopher Nolan (screenplay/director) Oppenheimer Universal Pictures, general release

Defending neutrality

03 Aug 2023

What are so-called socialists doing upholding the foreign policy of their ‘own’ bourgeois state? Anne McShane upholds the principles of international socialism

MEK’s strange journey

06 Jul 2023

Nowadays they are the darlings of the neocon right, but most consider them a loony cult. Yassamine Mather traces the evolution of the ‘holy war’ fighters

Both sides cracking

29 Jun 2023

Russia is not the only major power that is feeling the strain, argues Daniel Lazare . The US is too

An unofficial deal?

22 Jun 2023

Iran and the United States seem to be talking about the nuclear issues again. Yassamine Mather reports on the latest round of diplomatic negotiations and manoeuvres

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