
Imperialism & War > What is imperialism?

No way back for warmongers

03 Dec 2009

Mike Macnair addressed the Hopi AGM on the continued threat of war. US imperialism has a new face, but when it comes to foreign policy it is business as usual

Flip-flopping programmatically

25 Jul 2024

Marcus Strom reviews David Lockwood The politics of the Malayan Communist Party from 1930 to 1948 NUS Press, 2024, pp248, £31

Losing battle of ideas

20 Jun 2024

Operation Imperial Overlord

13 Jun 2024

Rishi Sunak committed a ‘gaffe’ by leaving the D-Day celebrations before Joe Biden’s speech, it is claimed by an over-excited media. But, asks Mike Macnair, what was the military and strategic meaning of the Normandy landings?

They are all Palestinians

23 May 2024

We should invest our hopes in national uprisings, not working class unity and socialism. Tony Greenstein replies to Moshé Machover

Distrust your government

14 Mar 2024

What should the communist position be on defence of existing states, national self-determination and war? Marc Mulholland based his talk to Communist University Spring 2024 on this study

Anglo-Iranian relations longue durée

07 Mar 2024

It is vital not to promote illusions in any capitalist global power, argues Mike Macnair. This is an edited version of the online talk given to the ‘Voice of Revolution’ discussion group

World without colonisation

15 Feb 2024

Chris Gray reviews Robbie McVeigh and Bill Rolston Ireland, colonialism and the unfinished revolution Chicago 2023, pp480, £19.99

A culture of apology

08 Feb 2024

David Miller is worth more than the whole pack of the Socialist Campaign Group of MPs put together. Apologising makes you complicit, but taking a stand brings vindication, writes Eddie Ford

ABCs of Muslim Brothers

23 Nov 2023

In the first of three articles, Jack Conrad looks at the origins, evolution and current reality of the Muslim Brotherhood in Britain, Egypt and internationally

Aim for deZionisation

16 Nov 2023

Israel is a work colony based on an ideology of blood and soil. Mike Macnair gets to grips with the logic and history of ethnic cleansing and expansionism

What happened to solidarity?

02 Nov 2023

Anne McShane celebrates the fellow feeling with the Palestinians and notes the drift of Sinn Féin into the mainstream pro-Israel consensus

Week in the hall of mirrors

19 Oct 2023

Reporting of Israel’s assault on Gaza provides an object lesson in how the bourgeois media works, argues Paul Demarty

Part of the western order

12 Oct 2023

Yassamine Mather is not celebrating the 2023 Nobel Peace Prize won by Narges Mohammadi, a liberal but brave human rights activist. She is being cynically used as part of the ideological preparations for a military attack on Iran

Oppression breeds resistance

12 Oct 2023

A revolt of the hopeless by the hopeless for the hopeless. Moshé Machover explores the background to the predictable Hamas attack on Israel and the likely consequences

Marxism still the most compelling

14 Sep 2023

Decline of US dominance, the rise of China and a lot of hype. Michael Roberts reports on a recent conference of left economists

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