
Imperialism & War > War and peace

Our duty to Iran's working class

15 Mar 2012

Speaking at a CPGB meeting in Manchester in support of Hands Off the People of Iran, Yassamine Mather makes the call for urgent and principled solidarity

Walking a tightrope

22 Sep 2022

Erdoğan’s sell-by date in the international arena has long passed, says Esen Uslu. But be warned - that is exactly why he will be looking to stoke up conflicts

America’s ‘great game’

22 Sep 2022

With Russia facing humiliation in Ukraine, Daniel Lazare provides his own assessment of US ambitions in the global ‘Heartland’

Grand strategy and Ukraine

15 Sep 2022

Pre-emptive wars, sanctions and other measures are being used by the US to prevent even the possibility of a real ‘peer rival’ emerging, argues Mike Macnair. This article is based on his talk given to Communist University in August 2022

Imperialist Russia?

08 Sep 2022

The Morning Star and Communist Review are locked into a debate on whether or not the Russian Federation should be characterised as an imperialist power. Mike Macnair investigates the protagonists and their arguments

Notes on the war

08 Sep 2022

With Kyiv’s counter-offensive, the third phase of the war has begun. While it is unlikely to be the much-touted ‘decisive’ turning point, Jack Conrad warns, we should expect the Tories to bring the war back home by playing the Ukraine card

Justifying a century of oppression

01 Sep 2022

The centenary marking the end of the Greco-Turkish war in 1922 is part of the never-ending quest to establish a ‘viable’ nation. Esen Uslu recalls the horrific and continuing atrocities

New times, new challenges

01 Sep 2022

The first post-lockdown CU saw an in-depth exploration of war and peace. Danny Hammill reports

More talk than action

11 Aug 2022

Arab and Iranian solidarity with Palestine leaves a lot to be desired, writes Yassamine Mather

The prince and the terrorist

04 Aug 2022

Yassamine Mather explores the fabulously rich bin Laden family and the links between the Middle East’s efficient royals and Britain’s dignified royals

Pulling the dragon’s tail

04 Aug 2022

Dan Lazare looks at the dangerous implications of Nancy Pelosi’s provocative trip to Taiwan, and the silence of the congressional left

Gunning for China

04 Aug 2022

Eddie Ford wonders whether the much-heralded Kherson counter-offensive and massive deliveries of western armaments could be a potential game-changer

No support for either side

28 Jul 2022

War crimes investigations and trials are not just a continuation of the Russia-Ukraine conflict by other, legal, means. There is, Yassamine Mather shows, a grisly connection with the Middle East

Energy as a weapon

28 Jul 2022

Michael Roberts looks at the fallout from the Ukraine war and how plans for an oil cap could trigger a deep recession

Looking for a green light

21 Jul 2022

We may be seeing an economic meltdown, says Esen Uslu, but there is no mass opposition movement and Erdoğan knows how to create domestic and foreign diversions

Recovering global ascendancy

21 Jul 2022

Sri Lanka’s debt crisis and political collapse could easily be repeated in other so-called third world countries. Mike Macnair argues that this is a knock-on effect of the Ukraine war and America’s determination to smash any tendency towards a multipolar world

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