
Imperialism & War > War and peace

Our duty to Iran's working class

15 Mar 2012

Speaking at a CPGB meeting in Manchester in support of Hands Off the People of Iran, Yassamine Mather makes the call for urgent and principled solidarity

Fist bumps and pariahs

21 Jul 2022

Russia seeks allies and arms, the US seeks allies and oil. Yassamine Mather reports on the diplomatic moves and the nuclear threats

First our own rulers

14 Jul 2022

Far from running out of troops and material and facing defeat, Russian forces continue to relentlessly advance. But, Alexander Gallus of the US journal Cosmonaut argues, for us the main enemy remains at home

Yet another failure

07 Jul 2022

Ibrahim Raisi’s government faces major challenges - not least the Doha talks over a possible nuclear deal. Yassamine Mather reports on the latest negotiations and the growing swell of internal economic protests

On a collision course

23 Jun 2022

Daniel Lazare reviews 'The avoidable war: the dangers of a catastrophic conflict between the US and Xi Jinping’s China' by Kevin Rudd (PublicAffairs Books, 2022, pp432, £17)

A no deal or a deal

23 Jun 2022

Yassamine Mather looks at the cyber attacks, assassinations and airstrikes and the danger of an all-out war if the nuclear negotiations finally fail

Notes on the war

26 May 2022

Both the social-imperialists and the pro-Kremlin left fail to put the working class at the centre of their perspectives and look instead to either Nato or the Putin regime as an agent of social progress. Jack Conrad calls for rebellion against those who betray the elementary principles of socialism

Stampeded by Russia’s attack

26 May 2022

Public and parliamentary opinion have undergone a panicked swing away from non-alignment. Jan Nyström reports on the attempt to forge a principled opposition to Nato membership

About-turn at the top

19 May 2022

While Democrats stampede to back the war, writes Daniel Lazare, it is the Republican right which is now anti-war

A bazaar mentality

19 May 2022

Why is Erdoğan blocking Finland and Sweden from Nato membership? It is all about carpets and donkey dung, writes Esen Uslu

Single-issue failure

19 May 2022

Clearing out Azovstal is a rare piece of good news for the Russian government, writes Paul Demarty, in what is a grim strategic picture

Two impossibilities

12 May 2022

Neither a one-state nor a two-state solution is feasible, argues Moshé Machover. Instead we ought to think outside the Israel-Palestine box and argue for a working class solution

Time to rebel!

12 May 2022

James Harvey reports on last weekend’s CPGB membership aggregate, which discussed Ukraine and our plans for Communist University and fundraising

A new Marshall plan?

05 May 2022

The US and its allies see the war as a heaven-sent opportunity to weaken Russia, writes Michael Roberts. Next will come China - and the working class will pay the price

From Biden, to Austin, to Truss

05 May 2022

Despite the failure of phase one - the attempt to take Kyiv - Daniel Lazare says it is Nato that is floundering, not Russia’s invasion

Craving expansion and annexation

05 May 2022

While the western media has been dominated by the Ukraine war, it is virtually silent about Erdoğan’s ongoing military operations in Iraq and Syria, writes Esen Uslu

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