
Imperialism & War > War and peace

Our duty to Iran's working class

15 Mar 2012

Speaking at a CPGB meeting in Manchester in support of Hands Off the People of Iran, Yassamine Mather makes the call for urgent and principled solidarity

Congress does its imperial duty

18 Apr 2024

Biden’s military aid package looks like passing at long last. However, America’s political system is one of almost permanent gridlock, says Daniel Lazare

Just what Israel wants

18 Apr 2024

Despite its criminal repression, the Iranian regime should not be equated with the genocidal Zionist state, argues Yassamine Mather. In the global pecking order, Israel is way towards the top

Netanyahu’s war wish

18 Apr 2024

A provocation like the attack on the Iranian consulate in Damascus has long been expected, says Moshé Machover. War with Iran would provide the cover needed for the mass expulsion of yet more Palestinians

A paper tiger revealed

11 Apr 2024

Israel is acting in an ever more bellicose fashion, doing everything it can to provoke war with Iran. Yassamine Mather looks at the Damascus consulate attack

Through fog of war

04 Apr 2024

First casualty is the truth. Paul Demarty says Al Jazeera should be congratulated for presenting what is probably a fair and accurate account of the October 7 events

Promote a second front

28 Mar 2024

Boycotting Israel and its military suppliers can make a real difference when it comes to the court of public opinion. But, complains Tam Dean Burn, some do not take cultural politics seriously

Keeping control over Arab street

14 Mar 2024

Israel’s ethnic cleansing and potential genocide in Gaza has seen the region’s autocratic regimes clamp down on popular protests. Yassamine Mather sees anger below and fear above

We are all Palestinians

14 Mar 2024

Despite the smears, hundreds of thousands are determined to continue showing their solidarity. Ian Spencer reports on last Saturday’s demonstration in London - the 10th since the war on Gaza began

Inspiring debate

07 Mar 2024

Given the awful events in Gaza, Ukraine and the threat of wider bloody conflicts, the CPGB’s Spring 2024 Communist University was fittingly titled ‘Their wars and ours’. Homayoun Kamran reports

Short memory syndrome

29 Feb 2024

SWP members are being told they cannot possibly ‘call for a vote’ for George Galloway, but, as Carla Roberts reminds us, it was a very different story when they operated together in Respect

Consequences of deception

29 Feb 2024

Oslo and the two-state ‘solution’ lay behind the events of October 7, argues Ghada Karmi. Suffice to say, we disagree with her well-meaning one-state ‘solution’

Sentiments have steadily shifted

22 Feb 2024

There is a massive gulf over Gaza between the servile political class and the majority of the British population, writes Eddie Ford

Thou shalt not criticise Israel

15 Feb 2024

Socialists in Rochdale should vote for George Galloway on February 29. Not that we should suspend our criticisms, argues Carla Roberts

Sound and fury of battle

08 Feb 2024

Once pan-Arab socialism counted as a real force in the world, its most famous leader being Gamal Abdel Nasser. Yassamine Mather looks back at his heady rhetoric and ultimate failure

Clear the smoke and mirrors

01 Feb 2024

Zionism relies on anti-Semitism and is itself a form of anti-Semitism. Thomas Suárez discusses the ability of the Israeli state to excuse its crimes and silence critics

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