
Democracy & State > Trade unions

Anarchist origins of the 'general strike' slogan

17 Mar 2011

We set up this debate in response to widespread calls from the Trotskyist left for the TUC to call a general strike against the cuts. This is Mike Macnair's opening

Rolls closure deal

22 Jun 1995

Last month 600 Rolls Royce workers gave up the fight to save their jobs, and accepted the closure of the design and development and customer support sections in East Kilbride. The Weekly Worker spoke to the MSF union branch chair, Owen Thomas

College bosses on the attack

22 Jun 1995

Another stab in the union back

15 Jun 1995

Win the mass in the NUT

15 Jun 1995

Teachers need to build on the work of the Fight Against Cuts in Education and bypass the union bureaucracy

Answer ‘illegal’ ruling with action

15 Jun 1995

Healthworkers’ unity sabotaged

15 Jun 1995

The limitations of the ‘official’ trade union movement have been made obvious over the last few weeks. The RCN wants to go it alone, while the Unison leadership is now having cosy chats with Virginia Bottomley. We need a drastically different approach

RMT against poverty pay

08 Jun 1995

Other railworkers were not drawn into the signal workers’ strike. This time we need to make sure it is a united fight

Hobson’s choice

08 Jun 1995

Morris or Dromey, the left is reduced to choosing the butcher

Workers unite to smash pay divide

08 Jun 1995

This week both healthworkers and railworkers are demonstrating against the poverty pay which the bosses are trying to foist on them. The disgusting offers of one percent to healthworkers and three percent to railworkers come at the same time as the bosses are awarding themselves 65-75% pay rises. They will get away with this daylight robbery just as long as we let them

Rolls attacks meet with resistance

01 Jun 1995

Students say no to loans

01 Jun 1995

RCN declares UDI

01 Jun 1995

Health pay unity under threat

Neither fit for the job

01 Jun 1995

Bankworkers shut down Barclays

01 Jun 1995

Despite record profits Barclays wants to impose another round of pay cuts for bankworkers

Railworkers - Prepare for action!

01 Jun 1995

More and more workers are saying, ‘Enough is enough’. They want to put a stop to job losses, wage cuts and worse conditions. But we need much more than enthusiasm to win these battles

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