
Democracy & State > Trade unions

Anarchist origins of the 'general strike' slogan

17 Mar 2011

We set up this debate in response to widespread calls from the Trotskyist left for the TUC to call a general strike against the cuts. This is Mike Macnair's opening

Safe space for Zionism

26 Jan 2023

The left should and will reject Rebecca Tuck’s report into ‘anti-Semitism’ - but our own errors make it hard to fight back, argues Paul Demarty

Taking the next step

12 Jan 2023

The government has no clear strategy. However, to fight back we need more than trade union militancy, argues Kevin Bean

NHS in meltdown

05 Jan 2023

The Tories have a barely hidden agenda to wreck the post-1945 health service. But James Linney warns against trusting Sir Keir’s alternative government

Principled partyist strategy

08 Dec 2022

Four out of five House ‘socialists’ scabbed. Parker McQueeney of the Marxist Unity Group brings to light the deep divisions within the DSA revealed by the recent railworkers disputes

Workers’ mass protests

01 Dec 2022

Yassamine Mather reports on strikes and protests in Iran

Victory claims under scrutiny

24 Nov 2022

Why hide the truth? Vernon Price discusses an unusual contribution in the latest Pre-Conference Bulletin

Bleak expectations

17 Nov 2022

With Rishi Sunak probably having little chance of winning the next election and Keir Starmer waiting in the wings, we should expect Austerity 3.0, writes Eddie Ford

Highway to misery

10 Nov 2022

The Tories are coming after us again with ‘Austerity 2.0’, writes Eddie Ford. But resistance is mounting in the form of increased strike action

Upping the fightback

20 Oct 2022

Mike Macnair supports the call for activists to take the financial resourcing of sustained strikes seriously

Art attack

20 Oct 2022

Young activists from Just Stop Oil have been castigated by the usual parade of ranting tabloid hacks and LBC anchors for defacing a Van Gogh. But, argues Paul Demarty, the stunt highlights the limits of direct-action groups

Plan for sabotage

13 Oct 2022

Though they are on the ropes, it is clear that the NHS is not safe in Tory hands. James Linney puts Thérèse Coffey’s proposals under close examination

It’s the politics, stupid

15 Sep 2022

The left needs to break with economism and take the monarchy and high politics seriously. We should be fighting for a federal republic and extreme democracy, argues James Harvey

Follow the UK example

01 Sep 2022

Shuvu Bhattarai upholds Enough is Enough as a model which socialists in the US ought to emulate. He sees it rapidly developing “into a mass working people’s party” built around basic bread and butter economic demands

Expect broken promises

01 Sep 2022

Enough is Enough will not deliver a new workers’ party. On the contrary it will enhance the career prospects of the likes of Andy Burnham and return masses of angry people to the Labour fold, argues James Harvey

After the summer of discontent

01 Sep 2022

The strike wave is set to grow in numbers, militancy and coordination. Paul Demarty warns that Liz Truss could respond by imposing wartime measures

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