
Democracy & State > Trade unions

Anarchist origins of the 'general strike' slogan

17 Mar 2011

We set up this debate in response to widespread calls from the Trotskyist left for the TUC to call a general strike against the cuts. This is Mike Macnair's opening

Nurses’ unity under threat

09 Mar 1995

While nurses are being offered a pay rise that is in fact a pay cut those lucky lads at bust Barings Bank are to get a million pound bonus to peck up their spirits. Greedy British Gas boss Cedric Brown and his fellow directors have just slipped themselves a million free shares. They live in a world where the millions are just perks. The world is hard, but it’s fair. More than fair to a few: much less than fair to the rest

Workers’ unity in Europe

02 Mar 1995

An absence of leadership

02 Mar 1995

Maggie Crow, a Unison steward at Christie hospital in Manchester, talks about the prospects for a fightback among nurses

Organise against the pay scandal!

02 Mar 1995

With whole sections of workers furious over low pay and threats to their jobs, anger is mounting against the bosses’ pay perks. Major is promising ‘action’ to curb them, but all is not as it seems

Build solidarity with sacked busworkers

23 Feb 1995

Bill Horslen, one of the sacked busworkers from Chelmsford, reports on the Badgerline group delegate conference of the Transport and General Workers Union

Workers’ action forces French climbdown

23 Feb 1995

Forcing Richard to budge

23 Feb 1995

Nurses condemn 1% pay insult

23 Feb 1995

Organise to fight back together

United fight against 1%

23 Feb 1995

In the face of a storm of protest from healthworkers the Tories are pleading poverty. They are desperate to fund their tax cut bribes at the expense of our pay packets and public services. Their attempt to split the workforce up around the country through the divisive local negotiations tactic must be responded to by a united national campaign

Royal Mail attacks right to strike

09 Feb 1995

Beating them at their own game

09 Feb 1995

An article in Socialist Worker (January 28) criticised Bill Morris and the Transport and General Workers Union leadership in the Badgerline bus dispute in Chelmsford for appealing to public opinion rather than for solidarity action - a well know bureaucrat’s cop-out. But it particularly criticised the free bus service the union was running. We spoke to Bill Horslen, one of the sacked workers and a Labour councillor, about the dispute and how the bus service can be used to gain solidarity action

Running for profit

09 Feb 1995

Postal workers show the way

26 Jan 1995

Royal Mail workers forced management to reinstate a sacked colleague earlier this month

Manchester bus wars

26 Jan 1995

Shut down Badgerline

26 Jan 1995

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