
Democracy & State > Trade unions

Anarchist origins of the 'general strike' slogan

17 Mar 2011

We set up this debate in response to widespread calls from the Trotskyist left for the TUC to call a general strike against the cuts. This is Mike Macnair's opening

Dundee vote for real change

20 Jul 1995

All out for health

20 Jul 1995

Support Aslef drivers

13 Jul 1995

Aslef’s Lew Adams: looking for a quick fix?

Fight against low pay

13 Jul 1995

Healthworkers and railworkers are just the tip of the iceberg in the fight against the bosses’ full frontal attack on pay. While quango and privatised utility heads award themselves huge pay rises, workers across the board are having their pay slashed. This week Labour jumped on the slashing bandwagon, promising to keep workers’ pay below minimum

Aslef drivers make call for strike unity

06 Jul 1995

Labour attacks workers

06 Jul 1995

Unhealthy consensus

06 Jul 1995

Health secretary: new face, same attacks

Lesser evil wins

29 Jun 1995

Rival buses hit home

29 Jun 1995

Bus drivers in Chelmsford, sacked in November 1994, forced Badgerline into a settlement after running their own rival buses. Steve Argent, one of the sacked drivers, talked to us about the lessons of the dispute

Building solidarity

29 Jun 1995

Islington walkout

29 Jun 1995

Euston railworkers defend safety

29 Jun 1995

BR launches pay attack

22 Jun 1995

Bottomley’s dole queue

22 Jun 1995

... but resistance continues

22 Jun 1995

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