
Democracy & State > Trade unions

Anarchist origins of the 'general strike' slogan

17 Mar 2011

We set up this debate in response to widespread calls from the Trotskyist left for the TUC to call a general strike against the cuts. This is Mike Macnair's opening

No time for Sir Keir

11 Aug 2022

With the rise in trade union militancy, all sorts of rumours are circulating about establishing some kind of new left party. James Harvey reports

A hot autumn too

11 Aug 2022

Things are clearly heading towards a monumental explosion of strikes and protests, writes Eddie Ford

SUPPLEMENT: The general strike and classical Marxism

04 Aug 2022

General strike call

28 Jul 2022

Leadership favourite Liz Truss has promised to impose ‘minimum service levels’ on striking workers just 30 days after coming into office. In response, Mick Lynch says he will campaign for the TUC to call a general strike. Eddie Ford comments

One foot in the grave

21 Jul 2022

RMT’s withdrawal from Tusc was understandable, especially given the consistently dismal electoral performance. But, argues, Paul Demarty, this leaves SPEW, the mothership, in profound crisis too

Past and present

14 Jul 2022

This year’s Durham Miners’ Gala, the 136th, featured the great and good of the trade union movement. RMT’s Mick Lynch, rightly, got a huge cheer. But, as David John Douglass reports, there was also the promotion of pro-imperialist politics when it comes to Ukraine

Mick Lynch meets the media

30 Jun 2022

We cannot rely on the ‘balance, fairness and objectivity’ of the enemy’s press and television - we need our own full-spectrum alternative, argues Paul Demarty

Summer of discontent

30 Jun 2022

Workers in other unions have been inspired by the RMT. James Harvey argues for coordination, unity and political organisation that goes beyond Labourism

Enough is enough

23 Jun 2022

Gaby Rubin welcomes the RMT’s successful strike action and sees an opportunity to re-establish trade union strength and power - if there is a willingness to defy the law

Unique on the left

26 May 2022

Dave Vincent reviews 'David John Douglass, anarchist-syndicalist coalminer: reviews and articles appearing in the Weekly Worker' (pp253, £12)

Jumping through the hoops

26 May 2022

As RMT members vote overwhelmingly for industrial action, the Tories are threatening to enact yet more anti-trade union laws. Eddie Ford urges defiance

Making anti-Zionism a crime

19 May 2022

Government attacks on the NUS for ‘anti-Semitism’ are part and parcel of a much wider political offensive, writes Eddie Ford

Unintended consequences

28 Apr 2022

The calumnies against Shaima Dallali highlight the left’s errors. Paul Demarty calls for a principled defence of free speech

A farrago of illusions

14 Apr 2022

Social-Putinism and social-imperialism are not our only problem, argues Jack Conrad. There is the curse of social‑pacifism and centrism too

Process of poverty

07 Apr 2022

Will there be a new Winter of Discontent in response to the cost of living crisis? Eddie Ford is hopeful, but it will only happen with organisation and challenging the grip of the trade union bureaucracy

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