
Democracy & State > Trade unions

Anarchist origins of the 'general strike' slogan

17 Mar 2011

We set up this debate in response to widespread calls from the Trotskyist left for the TUC to call a general strike against the cuts. This is Mike Macnair's opening

Winning tactics

25 May 1995

NUT stitch-up

25 May 1995

Health unions hold their fire

25 May 1995

Anger amongst healthworkers runs high, but many accept that 3% is the most they can expect

First union conflict with the coal owners in 40 years

25 May 1995

The devil you know...

25 May 1995

Anti-racist careerist’s fall from grace

25 May 1995

Left impotence in CPSA

18 May 1995

Unity at Rolls

18 May 1995

No promises for workers

18 May 1995

Well done, London dockers!

18 May 1995

From Workers’ Dreadnought, paper of the Workers’ Socialist Federation, May 15 1920

Now for action!

18 May 1995

The RCN conference on Tuesday showed the extent of healthworkers’ anger towards the government and the system itself. The danger is that union leaders will cave in and settle for some shabby pay-cutting deal. Only rank and file workers can make sure they do not get away with it

Barclays strike

11 May 1995

Fight for car jobs

11 May 1995

PO climbdown

11 May 1995

Hulme victimisation

27 Apr 1995

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