
Democracy & State > Trade unions

Anarchist origins of the 'general strike' slogan

17 Mar 2011

We set up this debate in response to widespread calls from the Trotskyist left for the TUC to call a general strike against the cuts. This is Mike Macnair's opening

Tactics and the Great Strike

10 Mar 2011

Ian Isaac responds to David Douglass's review of his book, 'When we were miners'

The fear of unity

16 Dec 2010

Eager for ammunition, the SWP has delighted in the NSSN's looming split. James Turley reports

Tyneside bairn goes ghost dancing

09 Dec 2010

Tom Pickard reviews David Douglass's 'Ghost dancers: the miners' last generation part 3: Stardust and coaldust' Christiebooks, 2010, pp540, £12.95

Unison and the politics of class

09 Dec 2010

Why does a leading member of Socialist Resistance give her backing to a free-market attack on the disabled and elderly? Tony Greenstein reports on Unison's support for the 'personalisation' of care

A Militant take on the Great Strike of 1984-85

25 Nov 2010

David Douglass reviews Ian Isaacs's 'When we were miners' Ken Smith Press, 2010, pp180, £7.99

Good, bad, and middling Trots

18 Nov 2010

Voting in the election to replace Derek Simpson as general secretary of Unite the Union ends on November 19. Gerry Downing reports on the attacks on the Jerry Hicks campaign from supporters of left bureaucrat Len McCluskey

Workers' protests continue despite pension law vote

28 Oct 2010

Mass conflict is leading to broader political conclusions, reports Jean-Michel Edwin

Equal pay feel-good

21 Oct 2010

Amanda MacLean reviews Nigel Cole's (director) 'Made in Dagenham', 2010 (on general release)

Comradeship and populist demagogy

21 Oct 2010

The media circus surrounding the rescued Chilean miners obscures the reality of naked capitalist exploitation, writes Eddie Ford

Build on TUC anti-cuts vote

16 Sep 2010

Jim Gilbert recognises a task for the whole movement

Class, blackened faces, and academic muddle

09 Sep 2010

David Douglass reviews Hester Barron's 'The 1926 miners' lockout: meanings of community in the Durham coalfield' Oxford, 2009, pp314, £65

They weren't all scabs

02 Sep 2010

David Douglass reviews Keith Stanley's 'Nottingham miners do strike' Nottingham Area NUM, pp124, £7

Break with ANC popular front

02 Sep 2010

The public sector strike victory has been won despite, not because of, the SACP, writes Peter Manson

Malevolent conspirator

26 Aug 2010

Toby Abse condemns the architect of the 'strategy of tension'

Jane Loftus syndrome

26 Aug 2010

Gerry Downing wonders why so many 'revolutionaries' cannot back the rank-and-file candidate in the election for general secretary of a major union

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