
Democracy & State > Trade unions

Anarchist origins of the 'general strike' slogan

17 Mar 2011

We set up this debate in response to widespread calls from the Trotskyist left for the TUC to call a general strike against the cuts. This is Mike Macnair's opening

Corus ructions

17 Dec 2009

Steve Cooke reports on steel job losses in Redcar

Anarchist bombs and working class struggle

10 Dec 2009

David Douglass reviews Louis Adamic's 'Dynamite: the story of class violence in America', AK Press, 2009, pp352, £13

Statement by Iran Khodro car workers

10 Dec 2009

Issued December 6, the day before the clashes

Undocumented workers victimised by Unite

26 Nov 2009

In September 2009 the union Unite ordered the Latin American Workers Association to vacate without notice the office it had provided within its southeast region HQ. Its comrades explain the background

Political response needed

26 Nov 2009

James Turley expects a sudden rise in the pitch of industrial struggle after the general election

Masses force leaders to act

26 Nov 2009

The difficulties faced by the Irish working class cannot be understated, writes Anne Mc Shane

Bring Loftus to account

19 Nov 2009

Dave Isaacson condemns leading SWP members who continually undermine and sabotage attempts to forge rank and file organisation

Towards an election coalition

12 Nov 2009

November 7 saw the latest in what now seems to be an annual conference on working class political representation, organised by the RMT union. Peter Manson reports

Militants condemn sell-out

12 Nov 2009

Abandoning postal strikes in the run-up to Christmas is at best mistaken, writes Jim Moody

We won’t pay for their crisis

12 Nov 2009

Anne Mc Shane reports on a meeting that could be a spark

Workers gain new courage

12 Nov 2009

Iranian demonstrations have given a real boost to working class opponents of the regime, writes Yassamine Mather

Close the scab hubs

05 Nov 2009

Steve Sweeney reports on a regional initiative in support of postal workers

Solidarity vital from other sections of working class

05 Nov 2009

Not surprisingly there is a clear sentiment for disaffiliation from the Labour Party. However, argues Jim Moody, postal workers need a positive political strategy if they are going to win their dispute with Royal Mail

Britain: before and after the election

12 Mar 2009

On March 12 1984 - 25 years ago - the miners' Great Strike officially began. For the next 12 months, miners and the women of the pit communities fought a desperate battle for jobs, for their communities and for their class. This epic struggle mobilised the support of millions, in this country and across the globe.

Abstention or intervention

12 Feb 2009

After the victory by the Lindsey wildcat strike, James Turley draws some lessons

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