
Democracy & State > Trade unions

Anarchist origins of the 'general strike' slogan

17 Mar 2011

We set up this debate in response to widespread calls from the Trotskyist left for the TUC to call a general strike against the cuts. This is Mike Macnair's opening

Three-hour general strike forces concessions

15 Dec 2011

Italian workers are determined to defend their pensions, writes Toby Abse

The disappearing slogan

08 Dec 2011

Whatever happened to 'All out, stay out'? Peter Manson investigates

Pushed as far as we will go

01 Dec 2011

David Douglass reviews Keith Pattison and David Peace 'No redemption: the 1984-85 miners' strike in the Durham coalfield' Flambard Press, Newcastle Upon Tyne, 2010, pp104,

Forging unified class action

01 Dec 2011

Dave Vincent reports on the build-up to the big public sector strike

SUPPLEMENT: Classical Marxism and the general strike

24 Nov 2011

Appearances are everything

24 Nov 2011

Peter Manson reports on the SWP's obsession with numbers regarding its latest recruiting front

Unite behind the sparks

24 Nov 2011

Craft workers and labourers must find common cause, urges Gerry Downing

Carrot and stick

17 Nov 2011

Francis Maude's idiotic '15-minute strike' suggestion reveals a disquiet at the heart of the government, argues James Turley

Images of a slaughtered past

27 Oct 2011

David Douglass reviews Peter Tuffrey, Doncaster's collieries (Amberley Publishing, 2011, pp128,

They obeyed the rules

29 Sep 2011

Mark Fischer busts the myths of the Jarrow Crusade

Four victims of industrial demise

22 Sep 2011

David Douglass looks at the background to last week's tragic events at Gleision pit in south Wales

Side with working class or, in the name of god, go

15 Sep 2011

The TUC congress represented a positive step towards united working class resistance against coalition attacks, writes Peter Manson

Market logic challenged by eight-hour general strike

08 Sep 2011

This week the increasingly moribund government of Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi has faced simultaneous attacks on two fronts: from the speculators and the European Central Bank, on the one hand; and from a general strike by the most militant section of Italy's organised working class, on the other. Toby Abse reports

Giving up on Unison

04 Aug 2011

Members of the Socialist Party in England and Wales employed by two local councils in London have resigned from Britain's largest public sector union. Peter Manson sees a parallel in SPEW's abandonment of Labour

Union mergers need democracy

04 Aug 2011

With the RMT and TSSA moving towards a merger, Chris Strafford calls for democratic unity from below in the workers' movement

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