
Democracy & State > Trade unions

Anarchist origins of the 'general strike' slogan

17 Mar 2011

We set up this debate in response to widespread calls from the Trotskyist left for the TUC to call a general strike against the cuts. This is Mike Macnair's opening

Humble petition or militant action?

15 Jul 2010

There are two sides to Tolpuddle, argues Mike Macnair

Pension con job

01 Jul 2010

Working life should end in material comfort, demands James Turley

Holmes and Bannister divide the left vote

03 Jun 2010

The current election for Unison general secretary exposes the failure of the left. Will Pragnell looks at the manoeuvrings of Dave Prentis and the right and urges the left to unite

See no evil, hear no evil

27 May 2010

Ben Lewis is astounded by the PCS call for the state and employers to be granted more power over the workforce in the name of anti-fascism

No to the race to the bottom

27 May 2010

Peter Manson looks at the prospects for the BA strike

Socialist Party consolidates its grip

27 May 2010

Dave Vincent reports on the conference of the civil service union

Reality gap

06 May 2010

Laurie Smith attended London's TU May Day march

Class consciousness rekindled

06 May 2010

Esen Uslu reports on the massive May Day demonstration in Istanbul

Keeping quiet on party politics

15 Apr 2010

Dave McAllister reports on the Saturday April 10 demonstration against cuts

It is not enough to call for abolition of anti-union laws

08 Apr 2010

Capitalism and the rule of law are incompatible with political democracy and free association, writes Mike Macnair

International fightback, not 'race to the bottom'

25 Mar 2010

Elementary workplace struggles demand to be generalised, writes James Turley

Prepare carefully for fresh action

11 Mar 2010

Dave Vincent fears that the PCS NEC has backed itself into a corner

Sacked workers step up protest

04 Feb 2010

Workers are resisting attempts to make them pay for dismantling the state's tobacco monopoly. Esen Uslu reports

Winning members that Left Unity cannot reach

14 Jan 2010

Dave Vincent reports on the re-election of Mark Serwotka as general secretary of the Public and Commercial Services union

Union bosses refuse to fight

17 Dec 2009

Irish trade unions are tied to the establishment, writes Anne Mc Shane

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