
Democracy & State > Trade unions

Anarchist origins of the 'general strike' slogan

17 Mar 2011

We set up this debate in response to widespread calls from the Trotskyist left for the TUC to call a general strike against the cuts. This is Mike Macnair's opening

PCS strike: PCS goes it alone

21 Mar 2013

Civil servants are striking for a decent pay rise and to defend pay and conditions. But, asks Dave Vincent, will the current strategy win?

Lee Rock: Campaign against victimisation takes off

20 Mar 2013

Tina Becker reports on the campaign to reinstate Sheffield PCS union rep and Weekly Worker supporter Lee Rock

Jerry Hicks interview: Not more of the same

07 Mar 2013

The Provisional Central Committee of the CPGB is urging support for Jerry Hicks, the rank-and-file candidate in the Unite election. Peter Manson spoke to him about his campaign and perspectives

PCS union: Where is the strategy?

24 Jan 2013

The PCS leadership seems to be up for a fight over pay, says Dave Vincent. But can it persuade the members that they can win alone?

NUM in court: Arthur Scargill’s dacha debacle

10 Jan 2013

David Douglass comments on the decline and fall of Arthur Scargill's reputation

Tyneside history: A legacy of struggle

06 Dec 2012

David Douglass reviews: Joseph M Fewster, 'The keelmen of Tyneside: labour organisation and conflict in the north-east coal industry 1600-1830', The Boydell Press, 2011, pp232, £60

Middlesborough review: Rapid development and workers’ struggle

29 Nov 2012

David Douglass reviews: Minoru Yasumoto, 'The rise of a Victorian ironopolis: Middlesbrough and regional industrialisation', Boydell Press, 2011, pp250, £60

Socialism 2012: Labour: for a ‘civil war’

08 Nov 2012

Is TUSC the new Labour Party? Mark Fischer reports from a Socialism 2012 session on Labour

TUC Demo: Union lefts rely on general strike strategy

25 Oct 2012

Saturday’s TUC demonstration showed that there is a burning desire to fight, writes Peter Manson. But ending the age of austerity requires a governmental alternative not on offer from Ed Miliband

Progress: Capitalism’s Trojan horse

11 Oct 2012

Attacks on Progress should be welcomed, but should the left vote for Aslef’s rule change? Stan Keable of Labour Party Marxists looks at the issues

One nation: Labour turns blue

04 Oct 2012

Ed Miliband invoked the legacy of Benjamin Disraeli in order to embrace the agenda of Blue Labour, argues Paul Demarty

Partly off one knee

13 Sep 2012

The Trade Union Congress decision to consider the option of a general strike represents a small step forward, writes Mike Macnair

Conspiracy, betrayal and flying pickets

05 Jul 2012

On the 40th anniversary of the 1972 building workers’ strike, Laurence Humphries, a supporter of the National Shop Stewards Network, gives his version of events

A bus drivers crisis

21 Jun 2012

On the eve of the June 22 London bus drivers strike Gerry Downing reports on the plight of one not so untypical worker

Reality behind the fighting talk

31 May 2012

The May 23-25 annual conference exposed the weaknesses of Britain's biggest civil service union, says Tina Becker

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