
Democracy & State > Trade unions

Anarchist origins of the 'general strike' slogan

17 Mar 2011

We set up this debate in response to widespread calls from the Trotskyist left for the TUC to call a general strike against the cuts. This is Mike Macnair's opening

Vauxhall: defeat for all car workers

24 May 2012

Peter Manson reports on a deal that represents an attack on working conditions

Strikes are not the be-all and end-all

17 May 2012

What are stikes alone and where is the politics we need? Laurie Smith takes a look at the recent stikes and the response of the Left.

Refuting the latest smears against Warren

17 May 2012

Chris Corrigan sets the record straight about Des Warren

West coast rebound

29 Mar 2012

Oakland and Longview - Jim Creegan reports on two parallel struggles

Thin dividing line

29 Mar 2012

The 'cash for access' row has once again exposed the contradictions inherent in capitalism, writes Peter Manson

We can still win

22 Mar 2012

The executive of the Public and Commercial Services Union has decided that "PCS members will not be taking part in the March 28 strike" against the attack on pensions. Tina Becker spoke to Lee Rock (assistant branch secretary, department for work and pensions, Sheffield) about the decision

Not Jesus but Brian

22 Mar 2012

Ade Morris (writer and director), Ralph Bernard (producer) Dust; on tour. David Douglass reviews.

Fresh attacks as unions retreat

22 Mar 2012

The capitulation of many trade union leaderships, the further attacks on workers living standards that will result, and the rotten failure of lefts bureaucratic horse-trading demand we rebuild the rank and file, says Chris Strafford.

Strike boosts resistance

15 Mar 2012

As an Italian engineers strike widens to include political issues, Toby Abse looks at how this will affect the battle to save Article 18

Striking on March 28 is not enough

08 Mar 2012

Dave Vincent applauds the leadership style of Mark Serwotka and calls for electoral opposition to the cuts

Still marching proud

01 Mar 2012

Dave Douglass reviews: David Temple 'The Big Meeting: a history of the Durham Miners' Gala' TUPS books, 2011, pp243,

Forgotten heroism

09 Feb 2012

Dave Douglass reviews Jonathan Symcox, 'The 1984-1985 miners strike in Nottingham: if spirits alone won battles - the diary of John Lowe' Pen and Sword Books, 2011, pp176,

Realistic propaganda and cynical agitation

09 Feb 2012

Has the SWP learnt the lessons following the debacle of 'All out, stay out'? Laurie Smith investigates

Politics, not voluntarism

19 Jan 2012

The left is trying to wish a mass fightback into existence. Peter Manson reports on the Unite the Resistance 'emergency conference'

Oil struggle aborted

19 Jan 2012

Despite the ending of the protests, workers in Nigeria have demonstrated their potential power, writes Nick Rogers

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