
Democracy & State > Trade unions

Anarchist origins of the 'general strike' slogan

17 Mar 2011

We set up this debate in response to widespread calls from the Trotskyist left for the TUC to call a general strike against the cuts. This is Mike Macnair's opening

Making common cause

31 Oct 2013

Callum Williamson on the offensive against university workers and students

SWP: Numbers do not lie

24 Oct 2013

Peter Manson reports on the October 19 Unite the Resistance event

Labour Party: Safe for capitalism

26 Sep 2013

Calling Miliband ‘Red Ed’ is a joke, writes Stan Keable of Labour Party Marxists

TUC conference: Hot air and the lesser evil

12 Sep 2013

Peter Manson looks at the noises coming from the trade union leaderships

Lobbying laws: Crude attack on unions

12 Sep 2013

Though in partial retreat, writes Eddie Ford, the government aims to use legislation to further stifle trade union activity and free speech in general

The problem is Labour

12 Sep 2013

PCS militant Dave Vincent reports on the union’s stalled national campaign in defence of terms and conditions

Labour and unions: Democratise the link

12 Sep 2013

Stan Keable of Labour Party Marxists takes a look at Ed Miliband’s attack on trade union influence

Falkirk: Defend the union link

01 Aug 2013

Stan Keable of Labour Party Marxists reviews the latest attack on the union link with Labour and reviews its history

Labour: Miliband’s media-pleasing funding proposals

11 Jul 2013

Falkirk shows the pro-capitalist dynamics at work in the Labour Party, writes Eddie Ford. But should the unions be urged to disaffiliate?

Labour: Fearful of putting people off

04 Jul 2013

Stan Keable reports from a recent LRC National Committee meeting

People's Assembly: Political theatre and the 10 seconds

27 Jun 2013

Sarah McDonald argues that the politics needed by the working class are antithetical to those committed to the ‘principle’ of broadness

PCS: Dishonest debates

30 May 2013

Tina Becker reports from the May 21-23 conference of the Public and Commercial Services Union

Labour Party: Murdoch’s Blairite offensive

25 Apr 2013

Is Ed Miliband moving left? Mike Macnair examines what lies behind the campaign run by The Times

Lee Rock interview: Fight against victimisation

18 Apr 2013

Lee Rock, a principled grassroots rep in the Public and Commercial Services union, was dismissed for ‘unsatisfactory attendance’ in February. PCS believes he was sacked primarily because of his union role at the Sheffield contact centre. He spoke to Tina Becker about his campaign for reinstatement

Capitalist decline: Thatcher in history

18 Apr 2013

Jack Conrad explores the conditions which created Margaret Thatcher and takes issue with the ‘great person’ version of history

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