
Democracy & State > Trade unions

Anarchist origins of the 'general strike' slogan

17 Mar 2011

We set up this debate in response to widespread calls from the Trotskyist left for the TUC to call a general strike against the cuts. This is Mike Macnair's opening

Miners strike: Militants and scabs

10 Apr 2014

Harry Paterson Look back in anger: the miners’ strike in Nottinghamshire 30 years on Five Leaves Publishing, 2014, pp298, £9.99

Unions merger: Questions for Serwotka

10 Apr 2014

A Unite-PCS merger is on the cards. PCS militant Dave Vincent examines the options

How Thatcher plotted our defeat

27 Mar 2014

Granville Williams (ed) Settling scores: the media, the police and the miners’ strike Campaign for Press and Broadcasting Freedom, pp139, £6.99

Miners' strike: Battle lines drawn

06 Mar 2014

We reprint below our first response to the miners’ strike from an edition of The Leninist

Labour: Unions vote to be distanced

06 Mar 2014

Delegate Charles Gradnitzer reports on Labour’s special conference

Miners' strike: The gathering storm

27 Feb 2014

In the year of the 30th anniversary of the start of the great miners' strike of 1984/5, we present the first of a series of contemporary extracts from our then factional journal The Leninist

South Africa: Official ‘communists’ split unions

20 Feb 2014

It is impossible to overstate the crisis facing the SACP, writes Peter Manson

Labour: Everything to play for

20 Feb 2014

The fight for the soul of the Labour Party has only just begun. Stan Keable of Labour Party Marxists reports on the Collins review

South Africa: Opposition in disarray

13 Feb 2014

Julius Malema, leader of the Economic Freedom Fighters, is facing jail for fraud

South Africa: Phase within phase ... but capitalism is the end result

13 Feb 2014

Attempts to create a viable governmental alternative are in tatters, writes Peter Manson, leaving the ANC free to pursue the ‘second phase’ of the ‘national democratic revolution’

Labour: Democracy versus patronage

06 Feb 2014

The stench of leader loyalty hangs over the Collins proposals to ‘mend’ Labour’s trade union link, writes Stan Keable of Labour Party Marxists

Biggest union ready to split historic ANC alliance

09 Jan 2014

Things in the workers’ movement are very fluid, writes Peter Manson. The South African Communist Party is certainly heading for a profound crisis

Labour and political scabbing

28 Nov 2013

Defending the union link as it is falls short of the needs of the working class, argues Paul Demarty

Tories: Unite in the crosshairs

21 Nov 2013

The right’s crusade against Britain’s biggest union continues, reports Paul Demarty

Grangemouth: Gangster bosses and special measures

07 Nov 2013

The Grangemouth capitulation shows the limits of trade unionism, writes Eddie Ford

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