
Society & Culture

Günter Grass and the German neurosis

19 Apr 2012

Maciej Zurowski looks at a literary scandal and the bourgeoisie's attempt to cope with its past

Film review: Priced into dying

28 Feb 2013

Jim Moody reviews: Dylan Mohan Gray (director) 'Fire in the blood' (general release)

Zizek review: Going ‘beyond Marx’ - or regressing?

28 Feb 2013

Callum Williamson reviews: Slavoj Zizek, 'The year of dreaming dangerously'. Verso, 2012, pp142, £7.99

Vatican elections: Keeping up with modern world

21 Feb 2013

Whoever gets the top job in the Vatican, Eddie Ford strongly suspects that he will not be in any way progressive

Tarantino and Spielberg reviews: Abolition and emancipation

21 Feb 2013

Mike Belbin reviews: Steven Spielberg (director) Lincoln, Quentin Tarantino (director) Django unchained

Ireland Magdalene laundries: No to the theocratic state

14 Feb 2013

The release of the McAleese report has further opened debate on anti-female abuse by church and state in Ireland, reports Anne McShane

Women and capitalism: Double burden of oppression

14 Feb 2013

Is women’s inequality endemic to capitalism? Yassamine Mather spoke to socialist feminist Bridget Fowler

SWP and the internet: Let a thousand blogs bloom

14 Feb 2013

Bureaucrats fear the ‘dark side of the internet’ in the same way they previously feared the printing press and the photocopier, writes Eddie Ford

Phil Piratin review: Tragic consequences

07 Feb 2013

Lawrence Parker reviews: Kevin Marsh and Robert Griffiths, 'Granite and honey: the story of Phil Piratin, communist MP', Manifesto Press, 2012, pp256, £14.95

Gay marriage: Cameron: from hero to renegade

07 Feb 2013

For Eddie Ford, the gay marriage vote showed that the Tories are still the ‘nasty party’

Left press and the SWP: The dog that didn’t bark

07 Feb 2013

The silence of significant sections of the left on the Socialist Workers Party crisis is a symptom of sectarianism, argues Paul Demarty

Argo review: How to distract the masses

31 Jan 2013

Jim Moody reviews: Ben Affleck (director) 'Argo', 2012, general release

Coal and energy: Walking away from CO2 commitment

31 Jan 2013

David Douglass finds government policy absurd, but not surprising

Anthropology: Reclaiming the dragon

24 Jan 2013

What was primitive communism? Socialist Workers Party member Lionel Sims explores the meaning of the Eden myth and its significance for women’s oppression

Sexism: Macho culture and the lessons we can learn from the Middle East

17 Jan 2013

How should sexism be combated? Yassamine Mather compares the situation in Britain with the practice of two guerrilla organisations

SWP and women: Countless zigs and zags over women’s oppression

17 Jan 2013

The central committee claims that the SWP has a consistent record of fighting for women’s liberation. Former national committee member Dave Isaacson sheds light on the not so excellent truth

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